Council launches new funding pilot scheme to support sustainable building projects in Oxford
A new pilot initiative has launched in Oxford, aiming to match small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) and community groups that want to reduce their carbon footprint with funders who can support their projects.
Find out more: Council launches new funding pilot scheme to support sustainable building projects in Oxford -
A House Like Mine: Council launches new resource for homeowners and landlords to improve energy efficiency of homes
A new resource has launched this week for homeowners and landlords who want to learn how to improve the energy efficiency of their home.
Read more: A House Like Mine: Council launches new resource for homeowners and landlords to improve energy efficiency of homes -
Additional £1 million of funding for Covered Market
Oxford City Council has proposed allocating over £1 million of additional funding to enhance the Covered Market redevelopment, bringing total investment to almost £8 million.
Read more: Additional £1 million of funding for Covered Market -
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Customer Service Excellence – celebrating our achievements
Oxford City Council has successfully retained the prestigious Customer Service Excellence (CSE) standard following an interim assessment at the end of last year.
Oxpens River Bridge judicial review dismissed by High Court
Last year, the Friends of Grandpont Nature Park sought a judicial review challenging the legality of the Council’s decision to grant planning permission for the Oxpens River Bridge.
Kerbside textiles recycling proves a hit in Oxford
Oxford’s new kerbside textile recycling service has had an outstanding start.