If you're on our housing register or you have a local connection to Oxford you can now apply for affordable homes in other parts of Oxfordshire.

Over the next 10 years, our neighbouring councils have agreed to set aside 7,150 affordable homes to help meet Oxford’s housing need. These will be available to anyone who can show a connection to Oxford through work, family or past residence.

The vast majority will be new homes on developments close Oxford with easy access to the city.

Districts providing affordable homes

The new homes will become available in phases over the next 10 years. It is not currently possible to give further details like the number of bedrooms or how much the rent will be.

  • Cherwell District Council will provide 2,200 affordable homes across six sites, including land near Yarnton, Begbroke and Kidlington.
  • South Oxfordshire District Council will contribute 2,475 affordable homes. These will be across three large developments proposed at Grenoble Road, Northfield and Bayswater Brook.
  • Vale of White Horse District Council will provide 1,100 affordable homes. These will include new developments near Abingdon, Radley and Kennington, as well as existing homes around Abingdon and Oxford.
  • West Oxfordshire District Council will contribute 1,375 affordable homes. These will be new homes to the north and west of Eynsham, as well as existing homes in the Eynsham-Woodstock area.

How to apply for housing outside Oxford

Apply directly to the relevant counci'ls register and your application will be assessed by the council allocations team for the area where you want to live.

If you are interested in living in more than one area you will need to make a separate application to each council.

You will have to provide evidence of a local connection to Oxford through work, family or residence as part of your application.

Once your registration is approved you will be able to place bids for homes as they become available.

You do not need to be on our housing register to apply for housing in the other districts.

Cherwell District Council

We are agreeing arrangements with Cherwell and affordable homes are not available in the area yet. We expect this will happen in 2025.

Apply in other districts

For South Oxfordshire, Vale of White Horse and West Oxfordshire you will have to apply to and be accepted on the relevant council’s housing register:

Bidding for a home

You will be able to bid for specific homes close to Oxford and not for homes across the whole council area.

If you are also on our housing register you will still be able to bid for a home in Oxford.

You will be able to bid on more than one home within each district. You can also bid for homes in more than one area at a time.

If your bid is successful you will continue to deal with the same council to manage the letting of your new home. This council will remain your first point of contact for any queries or issues throughout your tenancy.

How to bid for a home

For South Oxfordshire, Vale of White Horse and West Oxfordshire you will need to bid through the relevant council’s letting scheme (after you've applied and been accepted).

Further information

How long does registration take

You can register online and you should check the relevant council’s bidding site to see how long it will take your application to be approved. You will get an email notification once your application is live.

When will the new homes be available

New homes will be advertised when they are ready to live in. We would recommend that you regularly check the bidding site of any council you apply to.

The first new homes are being built and let in the Vale of the White Horse.

Council or housing association tenants

Oxford City Council is the only council in Oxfordshire to have kept our stock of council homes. If you're a tenant in another area you will be a housing association tenant, not a council tenant.

Rent in other council areas

Bidding sites will give details of the rent in each property advert. The maximum rent will be set at the government definition of affordable rent, which is up to 80% of an equivalent private rent.

If you're not happy with how your application is handled by a neighbouring council

In the first instance, you will need to contact the council you have applied to. If your issue is not then dealt with to your satisfaction you should contact our Allocations team for advice.

If you change your mind and want to withdraw your bid

You will need to log on to the relevant council bidding site and follow their procedure for withdrawing your bid.

If you want to move again in the future

If you were to move again in a few years you will still be able to bid for eligible homes through each council’s letting system.

Transfering between councils

There is a transfer list to move between councils.

Registration date

Your registration date for the other councils will be the date you make an application for housing. You will not be able to keep your Oxford City Council registration date for applications to other councils. For this reason, we would encourage you to apply as soon as possible.

Banding systems for different councils

Councils decide their own banding systems for allocating homes. In Oxfordshire, only South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse have a common banding system. If you get placed in a different band or have any other query about banding you will need to raise it with the council you have registered with.

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