Landlords, managing agents and housing associations should regularly audit their waste collection arrangements to ensure they are fit for purpose.
Access to the bins
Bins and bin stores need to be clearly accessible at all times for collections to be made. Examples of obstructions include:
- vehicles blocking access routes
- excess rubbish impeding entry or exit
- new or changed access codes or barriers - you must notify us of any new or existing access codes or other specific entry requirements prior to collection
New communal developments
New communal developments will require assessment by an officer prior to bins being delivered and collections commencing.
When considering bin requirements, you must have an equal (or greater) number of blue recycling bins compared to green rubbish bins. All new properties will also be offered communal food recycling bins. Contact us to discuss the number of bins you need.
New developments will be required to purchase appropriate bins that meet the required specifications - this will be determined by a site assessment. Please contact us to arrange this. These bins can either be purchased directly from us or through a third-party supplier.
If you are purchasing your bins through a third party, please ensure they are built to the following specifications:
- correct colours are green for rubbish, blue for mixed recycling and red for communal food recycling
- wheeled bins must meet specification EN 840 parts 2, 5 and 6
Get in touch with us before you make a purchase to ensure the bins you order meet the required specifications. Then, inform us when you receive your order so that we can add the information to our waste management system.
Shared bin collections
See bin collections from flats if you live in flats with shared bins.
More information
The recycling and waste team can provide further advice and information including educational material, site assessments and educational visits for residents.