How many more homes will we need?
The 9,612 homes in Oxford will not be enough to meet our need for new homes.
We will need 26,440 new homes by 2040.
This means 16,828 new homes outside our boundaries.
Our neighbouring districts have already agreed to build 14,300 of these in their current local plans.
This leaves another 2,528 homes that will need to be built on top of current plans – 126 extra homes a year until 2040 across Oxfordshire.
We believe most of these could be built on sites next to our boundaries that have already been allocated for new homes - for example, by increasing housing density on these sites to levels allowed in Oxford.
Our numbers are based on an independent ‘housing and employment needs assessment’ (HENA) we jointly commissioned with Cherwell District Council.
The HENA provides a realistic assessment of the number of homes we’ll need to support job and population growth until 2040.