Image showing the Oxford Energy Superhub at Redbridge Park and Ride, including electric vehicle charging points and a yellow, zigzag-shaped canopy


Energy Superhub Oxford is Europe's most powerful electric vehicle charging hub.

The award-winning scheme, which opened in July 2022 at Redbridge Park & Ride, offers fast and ultra-rapid charging for 42 vehicles at once.

However, with 10MW of installed capacity on site, the hub has the potential to provide charging for up to 400 vehicles in the future.

Energy Superhub Oxford is powered entirely by renewable energy, and the project saw the creation of the world’s largest hybrid energy battery storage system.

It is estimated that the scheme will save 10,000 tonnes of CO2 every year - equivalent to taking over 2,000 cars off the road.

On top of this, the Energy Superhub Oxford project also supported:

  • Oxford City Council to purchase 40 electric vehicles for its fleet – supporting a target of 25% of fleet to be net zero by 2023
  • 26 local Hackney taxi operators to purchase electric Hackney carriages – 25% of Oxford's Hackney carriage fleet
  • 60 council homes to be upgraded with ground-source heat pumps

Energy Superhub Oxford was a collaboration between Oxford City Council, EDF Renewables, Habitat Energy, redT, Kensa, and the University of Oxford.


View location of Oxford Energy Superhub in Google Maps.


Energy Superhub Oxford is powered entirely by renewable energy.

The project saw the creation of the world’s largest hybrid energy battery storage system. Developed by Pivot Power, the battery stores renewable energy at times of high supply, and discharges it when the sun doesn't shine or the wind doesn't blow.

The power network can be expanded to strategic charging locations throughout Oxford, including bus, taxi and commercial fleet depots. This will enable Oxford's fleets to be upgraded to electric vehicles – supporting the city's target of reaching net zero by 2040. 

Collectively, the project unlocks significant emissions reductions across power, heat and transport – saving 10,000 tonnes of CO2 every year (equivalent to taking over 2,000 cars off the road), and increasing to 25,000 tonnes by 2032.

Moreover, Energy Superhub Oxford provides a blueprint for cities around the world to scale up green transport, power and heating. Pivot Power plans to deploy up to 40 Energy Superhubs across the UK, which could provide almost 10% of the energy storage that the UK is predicted to require by 2035.

Project timeline

Energy Superhub Oxford opened at Redbridge Park & Ride in July 2022.

Have your say

Energy Superhub Oxford provides an incredible opportunity for the community of Oxford to be able to charge efficiently, safely and rapidly in a convenient location, giving more confidence to residents looking to make the switch to an electric vehicle.

Oxford City Council has worked closely with Hackney taxi operators for a number of years to break down barriers to electric vehicle adoption. The superhub project supported 26 local Hackney taxi operators to purchase electric Hackney carriages.

The superhub project also funded data work to provide Oxford with an Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy up until 2040. The strategy lays out the electric vehicle charging needs of the city, in an equitable and inclusive manner. It included engagement with a wide variety of stakeholders, including local residents and businesses.

Image showing a multicoloured collection of electric MINIs charging at the Oxford Energy Superhub

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