
Oxford City Council aims to transform Oxford Train Station to create a new transport interchange and a distinctive gateway to the city of Oxford.

Network Rail has plans to create a new through-track and platform to allow more passenger and freight trains to connect across Oxfordshire and the country, on top of the four new trains an hour direct to/from Cambridge already planned with East West Rail.

This new track will require a new station building to be built. The City Council's masterplan seeks to find the best option to re-provide the main station building, bus interchange and walking and cycling provision, including an enhanced public realm and new pedestrian and cycle bridge over Botley Road.

Some preliminary options for the Oxford Station masterplan, which includes the station site and Becket Street car park, are currently being developed and tested.

The City Council's vision for the new train station is outlined in the West End and Osney Mead supplementary planning documents. This superseded an earlier Oxford Station SPD from 2017.

The City Council continues to work closely with Oxfordshire County Council, Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership, Network Rail and the Department of Transport to secure the significant investment required to take the masterplan forward.

The masterplan is separate to but complements Network Rail's current redevelopment of Oxford Train Station, which will create a secondary station entrance on the western side, improved and safer road layout for buses, bikes and pedestrians, and a replacement rail bridge that can accommodate double decker buses underneath.


Location of Oxford Train Station in Google Maps.


  • 2023-24: Review previous masterplan work and develop options

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