The Call for Sites is an opportunity for landowners, developers, agents, individuals and other interested parties to suggest sites within or partially within Oxford City Council’s administrative boundary which are considered to have potential for development, and to let us know when they may be available for development. We welcome the submission of potential sites for a wide range of uses. 

Call for Sites submissions can now be made online at any time. If you need to discuss a site prior to submission, please contact the Planning Policy Team. 

General guidance 

  • Submitted sites can be greenfield or previously developed (brownfield) land - allocations for any type of land use will be considered, and for any change of use or intensification
  • There is no minimum (or maximum) size of site at this stage - however, please do not submit separate parcels that adjoin or overlap - we need only to see the full extent of available land for the assessment.
  • The Housing Land Availability Assessment  considers sites and broad locations capable of delivering a net gain of 10+ dwellings, or 500m2 of economic floorspace, or are 0.25ha or greater in size.
  • We encourage those submitting large scale sites to work collaboratively with adjoining landowners / promoters, where appropriate, to ensure that a coordinated and comprehensive approach is taken in establishing their development potential
  • All sites put forward will be considered through the Local Plan process - existing policy designations (e.g. Green Belt) may be reviewed as part of the new Local Plan.
  • Sites can be suggested that are already allocated in the Oxford Local Plan 2036 or Oxford Local Plan 2040 processes, or that were assessed in the previous Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment, as well as newly identified sites.
  • Sites proposed for consideration will be added to our submitted sites register and a high-level review of the site will be undertaken by officers. This exercise is purely a data gathering exercise about sites which may be available for development. Sites submitted to us through this process will only gain planning status if they are taken forward as an allocation within the Local Plan. This process does not grant planning permission to any sites submitted.

Submit details of your development site

Use our online form to submit details of your development site:

Submit details for your development site

Related links

Contact the Planning Policy Team

Address: Oxford City Council
Town Hall
St Aldate's

Telephone: 01865 252847

Fax: 01865 252144

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