A series of expert speakers and panellists from across local business, transport, community activist groups, universities, and local government spoke to Assembly Members.
Introductory speakers
The Assembly was opened by a series of introductory speakers who provided an overview of the issues to participants.
The introductory speakers were:
- Linnet Drury, climate campaigner, and student at Oxford Spires Academy: ‘Why is climate change important?’
- Professor Myles Allen, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford: ‘What are the impacts of climate change?’
- Tara Clarke, Climate Outreach: ‘How might climate change affect our lives?’
- Barbara Hammond, Low Carbon Hub: ‘Oxford’s response to climate change so far’
- Jenny Hill, Committee on Climate Change: ‘What does net zero carbon mean?’
- Asad Rehman, Director of War on Want: ‘Inequality and climate justice - a global perspective’
- Tim Sadler, Transition Director, Oxford City Council: ‘Oxford City Council’s roles and responsibilities’ in relation to the climate emergency
Expert and panel speakers
The expert speaker examined each of the five themes the Assembly was asked to consider:
- How do we ensure our buildings are fit for the future?
- How do we develop a sustainable transport system for net zero carbon?
- How do we transform our energy system to ensure it comes from renewable sources?
- What is the role of biodiversity and offsetting?
- How do we reduce our waste to deliver net zero carbon?
Speakers were:
- Linnet Drury, Climate Campaigner
- Professor Myles Allen, Environmental Change Institute
- Tara Clarke, Climate Outreach
- Barbara Hammond, Low Carbon Hub
- Jenny Hill, Committee on Climate Change
- Asad Rehman, War on Want
- Tim Sadler, Oxford City Council
- Trewin Restorick, Hubbub
- Maria Warner, Oxford Direct Services
- Henry Owen, Community Action Group
- Alex Baines, The Design Buro
- Rajat Gupta, Oxford Institute for Sustainable Development (OISD), Oxford Brookes
- Dr David Hancock, Independent Expert, Infrastructure Projects
- Chris Benton, Pedal & Post
- Luke Marion, Oxford Bus Company
- Tim Schwanen, Transport Studies Unit
- David Beesley, Oxford Office Furniture
- Sukky Choongh-Campbell, Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT)
- Professor Kathy Willis, University of Oxford
- Edward Hanrahan, Climate Care
- Fiona Tavner, Oxford Friends of the Earth
- Nick Eyre, Environmental Change Institute
- Carole Souter, Oxford Preservation Trust
- Chris Jardine, Joju
- Rob Hopkins, The Transition Network
- Llewelyn Morgan, Oxfordshire County Council