The Council has access to the following two flagpoles or masts:

  1. Carfax Tower - used to fly the Union flag on set occasions and Cross of St George on St George’s Day
  2. Above 1930s extension of the Town Hall - used to fly flags for all other occasions
Table showing annual flag flying commitments on Oxford City Council buildings



1930s extension

Carfax Tower

9 January

Birthday of HRH Princess of Wales

Union Flag

Union Flag

27 January

Holocaust Memorial Day

Holocaust Memorial Day flag


The month of February

LGBT History Month

Pride flag


8 March

International Women’s Day

Suffrage flag


10 March Commonwealth Day Flag of the Commonwealth of Nations Union flag
31 March International Transgender Day of Visibility Transgender flag n/a

1-7 April

First week of the new financial year when the latest rate of the Oxford Living Wage takes effect

Oxford Living Wage flag


9 April

Wedding Day of His Majesty The King

Union Flag

Union Flag

22 April

Earth Day

Earth Day flag


23 April

St George’s Day

Cross of St George

Cross of St George

3 May

Polish Constitution Day

Polish flag


6 May

Coronation Day

Union flag

Union flag

8 May

VE day

Union flag


9 May

Europe Day

European flag

Union Flag

16 May

Election of new Lord Mayor



1 June

Oxford Pride

Pride flag


15 June

Official Birthday of His Majesty the King

Union Flag

Union Flag

20 June

World Refugee Day

City of Sanctuary flag


21 June

Birthday of HRH Prince of Wales

Union flag

Union flag

29 June Armed Forces Day Armed Forces Day flag n/a

17 July

Birthday of Her Majesty The Queen

Union flag

Union flag

15 August

VJ day

Union flag


8 September

Accession of His Majesty The King

Union flag

Union flag

24 October

United Nations Day

UN flag


Week leading to 11 November

Week leading to Remembrance Day

Royal British Legion flag


10 November (date changes from year-to-year) Remembrance Sunday Union flag Union flag

11 November

Armistice Day

Royal British Legion flag

Union flag

14 November

Birthday of His Majesty The King

Union flag

Union flag

20 November

Transgender Day of Remembrance

Transgender flag


1 December

West Papua Independence Day

Flag of West Papua


3 December

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Purple flag


14 December

Anniversary of the passing of the Representation of the People Act 1918

Suffrage flag


18 December

International Migrants’ Day

City of Sanctuary flag



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