Here are some quotes about the impact of the Community Champions Programme.
“I feel really proud to be supporting my local community”
“The event really opened my eyes to the different communities in Oxford – especially the struggles they have around healthcare and housing”
“The compassion and empathy you (the programme team) showed in supporting the champions in their work is an inspiration…”
"It was an amazing and inspiring event (Black History Month). Thank you to give us the opportunity ro meet wonderful and knowledgable people. I really hope we will have more of these great meetings :)"
“What a powerful and exciting day. Thank you for the invite makes me proud to be in Oxford”
Meaningful measurement
We asked our Champions a series of questions and took pictures relating to them agreeing or disagreeing. These were questions set for us to meaningfully measure the impact of the Programme. View our Meaningful measurement photos.
See infographics of feedback from Black History Month Event, Rose Hill, October 2023
See below case studies, showcasing successes of events and projects;
Ladies only Swimming at The Leys
Black History Month Event - October 2023
COVID-19 and Flu dual vaccine safety
Videos from Champions
Watch our Community Champions talk about the impact of the programme.
- Watch Tony from LEAF (The Lived Experience Advisory Forum) on YouTube (2 minute, 42 seconds)
- Watch Lubna from Refugee Resource on YouTube (2 minute, 10 seconds)
- Watch Ridwan from Oxford Community Action on YouTube(1 minute, 41 seconds)
- Watch Khadija from AFiUK (African Families in the UK) on YouTube (1 minute, 30 seconds)
The City Council’s Community Champions team, in partnership with Healthwatch and BOB ICB, is excited to launch a new animation explaining the important role of GP receptionists.
The video was created to help people better understand why receptionists ask questions about medical needs and how they help patients access the right care. You can watch the video here.
Watch:GP Receptionist Video - English subtitles' on YouTube (1 minute, 17 seconds)