Update February 2025 - Partial Review of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
Oxford City Council submitted the CIL charging schedule to PINS on 27 June 2024, however, due to unavailability of examiners, we will resubmit the same CIL Charging Schedule and supporting documentation to an independent inspector at Intelligent Plans and Examinations (IPE) for examination on 12 February 2025.
The examiner is Keith Holland BA (Hons) DipTP MRTPI ARCIS. The examination is scheduled to take place on Monday 31 March 2025 starting at 10.30am and will be held in the Judges' Room, Oxford Town Hall, St Aldate’s, Oxford, OX1 1BX.
All information can be found in the CIL Examination Library below.
Statement of modifications
As required by Part 19 (1(b)) of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010, the Council has produced a Statement of Representation and Modifications which sets out the responses received to the consultation, along with the Council's response.
We consulted on the CIL Draft Charging Schedule Partial Review from Friday 10 November 2023 to Friday 5 January 2024. Following the consultation, we made a modification to retain the current CIL rates for B2/B8 (industrial) rates and to raise the rates only for E(g) Office and R&D uses.
These changes are set out in the Statement of Modifications. As specified in Part 21 (3) of the Regulations, the Council is required to invite any person to request to be heard by the examiner in relation to the modifications made in the Statement of Modifications:
Download the CIL Statement of Modifications (PDF 311kB)
The right to be heard (in relation to modifications only) must be submitted to the Council in writing before Wednesday 12 March 2025 (a four-week period specified in 21 (5(a)) of the regulations). If you have already requested to be heard, you only need to get in touch if you no longer wish to be heard due to the modifications made to the CIL Charging Schedule. Requests must be made to the Council via post or email.
By email
Comments can be submitted by emailing cilteam@oxford.gov.uk and will be accepted if sent before the closing date. You will receive confirmation that your comments have been received.
By post
If you are sending your comments by post, please allow sufficient time for delivery. Responses can be posted to the Council's Office: Oxford City Council, Planning Policy, Town Hall, St Aldate's, Oxford, OX1 1BX.
The Council is required to publish all documentation regarding the examination on its website and also states that the draft charging schedule and each of the documents specified in the Regulations are available for inspection at the Oxford City Council Town Hall Offices.
Examination Library
The Examination Library Master List provides a schedule recording all of the documents that comprise the Examination Library, broken down by their assigned category and reference code.
- CIL.1 - Submission Version – CIL Partial Review Draft Charging Schedule (PDF 451kB)
- CIL.2 - CIL Statement of Representations (Regulation 19 statement) (PDF 415kB)
- CIL.3 - Copies of Representations Received (Regulation 17)
- CIL.4 - CIL Statement of Modifications (PDF 311kB)
- CIL.5 - Local Plan Viability Assessment (LPVA), BNP Paribas Real Estate (PDF 12.67MB)
- CIL.6 - LPVA Addendum Note, BNP Paribas Real Estate (PDF 166kB)
- CIL.7 - Infrastructure Funding Gap Document (PDF 379kB)
- CIL.8 - Infrastructure Delivery Plan (PDF 2.12MB)
- CIL.9 - CIL Infrastructure Funding Statement 22-23 (PDF 405kB)
- CIL.10 - Current CIL rates (PDF 42kB)
- CIL.11 - Original Adopted CIL Charging Schedule (2013) (PDF 365kB)
- CIL.12 - Cabinet Report - Submission of Draft Charging Schedule for Examination (PDF 217kB)
- CIL.13 - Oxford Local Plan 2040 – Background Paper 6a: Oxford’s Economy (PDF 674kB)
- CIL.14 - CIL Partial Review Post-Consultation Background Paper (PDF 354kB)
- CIL.15 - CIL Statement of Submission (PDF 524kB)
Programme Officer
Ian Kemp has been appointed as Programme Officer for the CIL Examination. He is an Independent Officer working on behalf of the Inspector to organise and manage the administrative and procedural elements of the Examination process. His role is to act as the point contact for any person who has an interest in the Examination and as a liaison between the Examiner, Local Planning Authorities and Representors. Any matters that anyone wishes to raise with the Examiner should be submitted to him in the first instance via the contact details below.
Address: PO Box 241, Droitwich, Worcestershire, WR9 1DW
Email: ian@localplanservices.co.uk
Telephone: 07723 009166