The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a planning charge on new development to help the funding of infrastructure. We set and collect the levy, co-ordinate the spending of the funds and report this to the community.
CIL was introduced by the Planning Act 2008 as a tool for local authorities to help deliver infrastructure to support the development of their area.
The principle behind CIL is that most development has some impact on infrastructure and should contribute to the cost of providing or improving infrastructure.
Oxford City Council is the charging authority for the Community Infrastructure Levy in Oxford. On 21 October 2013, the City Council commenced charging CIL.
For more information, visit the Government’s guidance on the Community Infrastructure Levy on the Planning Portal.
When it applies
CIL applies on developments:
- that create 100m2 or more of new build floor space measured as Gross Internal Floor Area (GIA);
- of less than 100m2 new build GIA that results in the creation of one or more dwellings;
- that are a conversion of a building that is no longer in lawful use.
Payment of CIL is triggered by the commencement of development.
How much it costs
A charging schedule sets out the rates for each land use.
CIL will be charged in pounds sterling (£) at differential rates according to the type of development set out in the schedule below:
Development Type* | January 2024 | January 2025 |
E Shops |
£168.74 |
£172.28 |
E Financial and professional services | £168.74 | £172.28 |
E Restaurants and cafés | £168.74 | £172.28 |
Sui Generis Drinking establishments | £168.74 | £172.28 |
Sui Generis Hot food takeaways | £168.74 | £172.28 |
E Business | £33.74 | £34.45 |
B2 General industrial | £33.74 | £34.45 |
B8 Storage or distribution | £33.74 | £34.45 |
C1 Hotels | £33.74 | £34.45 |
C2 and C2A Residential institutions and secure residential institutions | £33.74 | £34.45 |
C3 Dwelling houses** | £168.74 | £172.28 |
C4 Houses in multiple occupation (HMO) | £168.74 | £172.28 |
Student accommodation | £168.74 | £172.28 |
F1 Non-residential institutions | £33.74 | £34.45 |
Sui Generis Assembly and leisure | £33.74 | £34.45 |
All development types unless stated otherwise in this table | £33.74 | £34.45 |
*Changes to the Use Class Order came into effect 1 September 2020
**C3 includes self-contained sheltered accommodation and self-contained graduate accommodation
The charge per meter square for student accommodation towards affordable housing has increased from £214.11m2 (Jan 2024) to £218.61m2 (Jan 2025)
CIL payments are index linked from the year when CIL is introduced to the year when planning permission is granted. The index we use was developed by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and is prepared and maintained by the Building and Cost Information Services (BCIS).
CIL Infrastructure List (Formerly ‘Regulation 123’ list)
The requirement for the Council to maintain a CIL Regulation 123 list has been removed following the enactment of the new CIL Regulations (2019) on 1 September 2019.
The CIL Regulation 123 list is now to be renamed the ‘CIL Infrastructure list’ and will be used as an informative document, which identifies items of infrastructure which may and will be delivered and funded in the City of Oxford through CIL income. Maintenance and consideration of this list will help to ensure no duplication or double charging towards the same infrastructure project via S106 agreements.
Note on the Discretionary Exceptional Circumstances Relief Policy and Payment in Kind Policy
A Discretionary Exceptional Circumstances Relief Policy was introduced on 1 June 2019 and a Payment in Kind Policy was introduced on 21 December 2020.
More information
Download our Community Infrastructure Levy information for applicants.
Contact the Planning Policy Team
Address: Oxford City CouncilTown Hall
St Aldate's