Infrastructure Funding Statement

The Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) is a factual report which summarises the amount of developer contributions obtained, allocated and spent in the previous financial year.

This new annual reporting requirement was introduced as part of the amended CIL regulations in 2019 (CIL Regulations: Schedule 2), with the objective of increasing transparency around how developer contributions are spent on Infrastructure. As set out in Schedule 2, the contents of this report are divided into three key sections for the previous financial year:

  1. information on CIL contributions
  2. information on Section 106 Contributions
  3. items of infrastructure that CIL is to be spent on in the next five years (according to the Council’s Capital Programme at the end of the previous financial year)

The introduction of this Infrastructure Funding Statement now means that monitoring around CIL and S106 contributions will now be found in the IFS instead of the Annual Monitoring report (AMR).

See our latest Infrastructure Funding Statement for 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.

Download our Infrastructure Funding Statement Schedule 2 reports from previous years.

Formerly ‘Regulation 123’ List - (For Reference)

The requirement for the Council to maintain a CIL Regulation 123 list has been removed following the enactment of the new CIL Regulations (2019) on 1 September 2019.

The former CIL Regulation 123 list is now to be used as an informative document. This list identified items of infrastructure which could be delivered and funded in the City of Oxford through CIL income. Although the Regulation 123 list has now been removed, the principle remains that duplicate or double-funding should not occur for the same infrastructure project from both CIL and S106 agreements.

Download the CIL Infrastructure List.

Neighbourhood planning

Published 6 March 2014, the guidance explains the neighbourhood planning system introduced by the Localism Act, including key stages and considerations required.

See the guidance on neighbourhood planning on GOV.UK.

Neighbourhood proportion 

CIL differs from planning obligations in that the funds collected are not tied to a specific development or the provision of specific infrastructure. However, 15% of CIL receipts will be passed directly to Parish Councils in those areas of Oxford that have a Parish Council. In unparished areas, this 15% will be held by the Council and spent in accordance with the wishes of the community.

The neighbourhood proportion of CIL would rise to 25% in areas covered by adopted Neighbourhood Plans.

Contact the Planning Policy Team

Address: Oxford City Council
Town Hall
St Aldate's

Telephone: 01865 252847

Fax: 01865 252144

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