

The Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) is a report which sets out the amount of developer contributions from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Section 106 Agreements (S106) have been received, allocated and spent on the infrastructure priorities of Oxford City Council for the previous financial year (April 2023 - March 2024). In accordance with the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations, any authority that receives a contribution from development through the Levy or Section 106 planning obligations must prepare an Infrastructure Funding Statement. (CIL PPG paragraph 173 Reference ID: 25-173- 20190901). See our CIL pages for more information.

This IFS is prepared in accordance with Schedule 2 of the CIL regulations2 and CIL regulation 121A - see the government's Legislation website for more details. Developer contributions were previously monitored on the AMR, but now are recorded separately in the IFS.

This Infrastructure Funding Statement Includes:
(CIL PPG Paragraph: 176 Reference ID: 25-176-20190901)

  1. A report relating to the previous financial year on the Community Infrastructure Levy;
  2. A report relating to the previous financial year on Section 106 planning obligations;
  3. A report on the infrastructure projects or types of infrastructure that the authority intends to fund wholly or partly by the levy (excluding the neighbourhood portion).

Funding for infrastructure on the IFS has been considered and updated alongside the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (Infrastructure Assessment) - see the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (PDF 2.12MB). This is a live document which is currently being updated on an ongoing basis to inform future funding priorities. (CIL PPG paragraph 17, Reference ID: 25-017-20190901).

1. Report relating to financial year 2023/2024 on the Community Infrastructure Levy

1. (CIL Regulations: Schedule 2) The matters to be included in the CIL report are:

A. the total value of CIL set out in all demand notices issued in the reported year

Amount: £4,807,228.51

B. the total amount of CIL receipts for the reported year

Amount: £5,674,069.08

C. the total amount of CIL receipts, collected by the authority, or by another person on its behalf, before the reported year but which have not been allocated

Amount: £0

D. the total amount of CIL receipts, collected by the authority, or by another person on its behalf, before the reported year and which have been allocated in the reported year

Amount: £12,973,226

E. the total amount of CIL expenditure for the reported year

Amount: £1,710,565

F. the total amount of CIL receipts, whenever collected, which were allocated but not spent during the reported year

Amount: £14,655,770

CIL is allocated for spend during the Budget setting process for Capital Programme schemes - See part 3: Infrastructure projects to be funded wholly or partly by CIL.

G. in relation to CIL expenditure for the reported year, summary details of— 

  1. the items of infrastructure on which CIL (including land payments) has been spent, and the amount of CIL spent on each item;

    Amount: £1,710,564.75
    Table showing list of projects
    Project  Amount
    CPZ Donnington  £57,000.00
    Oxford and Abingdon Flood Alleviation Scheme £4,470.00
    Old Gas Works Bridges  £908,429.62
    City-Wide Cycling Improvements, including cycle lanes and parking £38,431.00
    East Oxford Community Centre  £536,297.00
    New Burial Space £165,937.13
  2. the amount of CIL spent on repaying money borrowed, including any interest, with details of the items of infrastructure which that money was used to provide (wholly or in part);

    Amount: £0 
  3. the amount of CIL spent on administrative expenses pursuant to regulation 61, and that amount expressed as a percentage of CIL collected in that year in accordance with that regulation

    Amount: £140,343.01

    2.8% (Up to 5% can be used for administration)

H. in relation to CIL receipts, whenever collected, which were allocated but not spent during the reported year, summary details of the items of infrastructure on which CIL (including land payments) has been allocated, and the amount of CIL allocated to each item;    

Amount: See Section 3

I. the amount of CIL passed to—

  1. any parish council under regulation 59A or 59B; and

    Amount: £112,941.42
    Table showing list of projects
    Parish Amount
    Littlemore Parish Council £78,898.50
    Old Marston Parish Council   £0
    Risinghurst & Sandhills Parish Council  £0
    Blackbird Leys Parish Council £34,042.92
  2. any person under regulation 59(4)

    Amount: N/A  

J. summary details of the receipt and expenditure of CIL to which regulation 59E or 59F applied during the reported year including—        

  1. the total CIL receipts that regulations 59E and 59F applied to;    

    Amount: £1,221,369.95
  2. the items of infrastructure to which the CIL receipts to which regulations 59E and 59F applied have been allocated or spent, and the amount of expenditure allocated or spent on each item;

    Amount: £145,219.00
    Table showing list of projects
    Item Amount
    CIL payments to ward Councillor budgets £85,000.00
    Headington Neighbourhood Fourm: Cheney School playground improvement - 'Greening Cheney'  £4,000.00
    Summertown and St Margaret’s Neighbourhood Fourm: Summertown Christmas Lights 3,112.00
    Summertown and St Margaret’s Neighbourhood Fourm: Cutteslowe Primary School - Push Bikes  1,853.79
    Summertown and St Margaret’s Neighbourhood Forum: Cutteslowe Community Association - Sunnymead Minnows 1,250.00
    Summertown and St Margaret’s Neighbourhood Forum: Summertown cycling infrastructure  2036.97
    Summertown and St Margaret’s Neighbourhood Forum: SHARE Oxford - Equipment Replacement  2,500.00
    Wolvercote Neighbourhood forum: White Hart Community Pub Ltd 1,950.00
    Wolvercote Neighbourhood forum: Benches - Wolvercote and Wytham Midsummer Festival  1,500.00
    Wolvercote Neighbourhood forum: Wolvercote Commoner's Committee - Power Scythe Motor  3,500.00
    Wolvercote Neighbourhood forum: Wolvercote Young People's Club - Fire Doors and further upgrades   7,796.00
    Wolvercote Neighbourhood forum: Wolvercote Community Hub c/o Wolvercote Neighbourhood Forum  3,604.00
    Wolvercote Neighbourhood forum: Wolvercote Community Farm 500.00
    Wolvercote Neighbourhood forum: White Hart Community Pub Ltd   1,586.00
    Wolvercote Neighbourhood forum: Cutteslowe Community Association - Cinema  7,500.00
    Wolvercote Neighbourhood forum: Wolvercote Commoner's Committee - Playground Equipment  2,479.24
    Wolvercote Neighbourhood forum: Wolvercote Monday Lunch Club - Vaccum Cleaner 259.00
    Wolvercote Neighbourhood forum: Wolvercote Primary School - Shepherd's Hut   10,000.00
    Wolvercote Neighbourhood forum: Wolvercote Village Hall Disabled Toilets t 1,850.00
    Wolvercote Neighbourhood forum: Wolvercote Village Hall Disabled Toilets  1,850.00
    Wolvercote Neighbourhood forum: Wolvercote Commoner's Committee - Notice Board 1,092.00


K. summary details of any notices served in accordance with regulation 59E, including—

  1. the total value of CIL receipts requested from each parish council;

    Amount: £0
  2. any funds not yet recovered from each parish council at the end of the reported year;

    Amount: £0

L. the total amount of—

  1. CIL receipts for the reported year retained at the end of the reported year other than those to which regulation 59E or 59F applied;

    Amount:  £4,452,699.13 
  2. CIL receipts from previous years retained at the end of the reported year other than those to which regulation 59E or 59F applied;

    Amount: £10,792,177.03
  3. CIL receipts for the reported year to which regulation 59E or 59F applied retained at the end of the reported year;

    Amount: £0

    All retained CIL has been forward allocated to projects in J) ii)
  4. CIL receipts from previous years to which regulation 59E or 59F applied retained at the end of the reported year. 

    Amount: £1,293,549.78

2. For the purposes of paragraph 1— 

A. CIL collected by an authority includes land payments made in respect of CIL charged by that authority;

Amount: N/A 

B. CIL collected by way of a land payment has not been spent if at the end of the reported year— 

Amount: N/A 

  1. development (within the meaning in TCPA 1990) consistent with a relevant purpose has not commenced on the acquired land; or

    Amount: N/A  
  2. the acquired land (in whole or in part) has been used or disposed of for a purpose other than a relevant purpose; and the amount deemed to be CIL by virtue of regulation 73(9) has not been spent;

    Amount: N/A

C. CIL collected by an authority includes infrastructure payments made in respect of CIL charged by that authority;

Amount: N/A 

D. CIL collected by way of an infrastructure payment has not been spent if at the end of the reported year the infrastructure to be provided has not been provided;

Amount: N/A 

E. the value of acquired land is the value stated in the agreement made with the charging authority in respect of that land in accordance with regulation 73(6)(d);

Amount: N/A 

F. the value of a part of acquired land must be determined by applying the formula in regulation 73(10) as if references to N in that provision were references to the area of the part of the acquired land whose value is being determined;

Amount: N/A 

G. the value of an infrastructure payment is the CIL cash amount stated in the agreement made with the charging authority in respect of the infrastructure in accordance with regulation 73A(7)(e).

Amount: N/A 

2: Report relating to financial year 2023/2024 on S106 Planning Obligations

3. (CIL Regulations: Schedule 2) The matters to be included in the section 106 report for each reported year are—

A. the total amount of money to be provided under any planning obligations which were entered into during the reported year;

Amount: £655,484.00    

Table showing list of projects
Site name Planning Reference Date of Agreement  Trigger  Amount Contribution Use
Northgate House 13-20 Cornmarket Street OX1 3HE 18/00258/FUL & 19/03189/VA R 09/08/2023 Within 20 working days of the Council providing written evidence to the owner that the Council has secured the public realm works £200,000.00 Pedestrian improvements works including but not limited to hard and soft landscaping street furniture and resurfacing works to Market Street
Trinity House John Smith Drive OX4 2RZ 22/03067/FUL 06/10/2023  Prior to occupation of development  £329,474.00 Towards costs of bringing into service the Cowley Branch Line or such equivalent alternative local transport infrastructure project that the City Council after consultation with the County Council as the highway authority considers would provide comparable local public benefits
Land At Blackbird Leys Road And Knights Road Oxford  23/00405/OUTFUL  25/10/2023  Prior to occupation of dwelling £85,000.00 Towards conversion of a non-clinical room to a clinical room at Donnington Surgery
Land At Blackbird Leys Road And Knights Road Oxford OX4 23/00405/OUTFUL 25/10/2023 Prior to occupation of development   £38,210.00 Towards improvements to be carried out to footpaths in the nature park
Land At Blackbird Leys Road And Knights Road Oxford 23/00405/OUTFUL 25/10/2023  No later than 1 month after implementation   £2,800.00 Produced by owner and developer in relation to the development in consultation with the Local Enterprise Partnership and the City Councils Enterprise Development Team setting out the approach being taken by the owner. Deliver employment, training and apprenticeships
Land At Blackbird Leys Road And Knights Road Oxford  23/00405/OUTFUL  25/10/2023   Prior to occupation of any dwelling £85,000.00   Towards conversion of a non-clinical room to a clinical room at Donnington Surgery
Land At Blackbird Leys Road And Knights Road Oxford   23/00405/OUTFUL 25/10/2023 Prior to occupation of the development  £38,210.00 Towards improvements to be carried out to footpaths in the nature park
Littlemore House, 33 Armstrong Road and Plot 18 Oxford Science Park 22/02969/FUL 14/02/2024 - - -

B. the total amount of money under any planning obligations which was received during the reported year;

Amount: £193,670.15

Table showing list of projects
Site name Planning Reference Date Payment Received Category Available Balance Contribution Use
Land At Blackbird Leys Road And Knights Road Oxford OX4 23/00405/OUTFUL 25/10/2023 Environment £2,800.00  Towards monitoring of CEPP
Land South West of St Frideswide Farm 21/01449/FUL 01/03/2024  Leisure  £52,300.00 Towards replacement floodlights on the pitches at the Hockey Club to mitigate the impact of light spillage on future occupiers
Land South West of St Frideswide Farm 21/01449/FUL 01/03/2024  Leisure  £104,600.00  Improvements to Cutteslowe Tennis Court including but not limited to resurfacing, relining and court lighting to mitigate the impact of the Green Belt development
Marston Paddock Butts Lane Oxford OX3 0QN 21/02580/FUL 17/10/2023 Leisure £3,661.00 To be used for the planting of a hedge at the park or for such other projects in the locality that the City Council deems to be appropriate if the contribution cannot be used for this purpose
Marston Paddock Butts Lane Oxford OX3 0QN  21/02580/FUL 17/10/2023  Leisure £17,321.76  Greenbelt mitigation to be used to enhance play facilities at the said park or for such other Green Belt projects in the locality that the City Council deems appropriate if this contribution cannot be used for this purpose
Land at Lanham Way 21/03114/CT3  01/03/2024  Biodiversity £12,987.39 Biodiversity enhancements - the planting of 100 meters of hedgerow around the western boundary of the recreation ground at Thames View Road

C. the total amount of money under any planning obligations which was received before the reported year which has not been allocated by the authority;    

Amount: £0

D. summary details of any non- monetary contributions to be provided under planning obligations which were entered into during the reported year, including details of—

Amount: N/A

Table showing list of projects
Site name Planning Reference Date of Agreement  Trigger  Contribution Use
Dominion Oil Site - Railway Lane, Littlemore 21/01176/FUL 07/08/2023 Not to implement the development until contractual arrangements for the transfer (or lease of not less than 990 years in the case of flats) of the Affordable Dwellings to a Registered Provider has been entered into and until a certified  true copy of the completed contract  has been provided to the City Council Provision of Affordable Housing (100% affordable housing (50 houses and 40 flats))
St Hilda’s College, Cowley Place 21/01261/FUL 20/06/2023 Not to occupy the Development until the Public Access Scheme has been approved in writing by the Council  Public Access Scheme to allow greater public access to the college and gardens
Trinity House, John Smith Drive Oxford 22/03067/FUL 06/10/2023 Not to implement the Planning Permission until a Community Employment and Procurement Plan has been approved in writing by the City Council Community Employment and Procurement Plan
Plot 23-26 Oxford Science Park Grenoble Rd Oxford  22/02168/FUL 23/10/2023  T submit the Biodiversity Scheme to the City Council for its written approval prior to implementation of the Planning Permission  Biodiversity Scheme
Land at Blackbird Leys Road and Knights Road Oxford 23/00405/OUTFUL  25/10/2023 Not to implement the Planning permission until the tenures of the flexible Tenure Units as being the  Social Rented or Affordable Rented Units has been  confirmed in writing to and been approved in writing by the City Council  Affordable Housing
Land at Blackbird Leys Road and Knights Road Oxford  23/00405/OUTFUL  25/10/2023 To submit the Biodiversity Scheme to the City Council for its written approval prior to the implementation of the Planning Permission     Biodiversity
Land at Blackbird Leys Road and Knights Road Oxford  23/00405/OUTFUL 25/10/2023 No later than 1 month following implementation of the Planning Permission a Community Employment and Procurement Plan shall be submitted to and be approved in writing by the City Council  Community Employment and Procurement Plan
Land at Blackbird Leys Road and Knights Road Oxford  23/00405/OUTFUL  25/10/2023 To provide and complete the Community Centre to shell and with connections to all mains services in accordance with the Community Centre RMA – see agreement Community Centre
Land at Blackbird Leys Road and Knights Road Oxford  23/00405/OUTFUL  25/10/2023 To submit the Open Space Land Scheme to the City Council for its written approval no later than 3 months after implementation of the Planning Permission Open Space
Littlemore House, 33 Armstrong Road and Plot 18 Oxford Science Park  22/02969/FUL 14/02/2024 Prior to implementation of the Development to meet with representatives from the City Council’s Economic Development Team having consulted with the Local Enterprise Partnership   Community Employment and Procurement Plan
Littlemore House, 33 Armstrong Road and Plot 18 Oxford Science Park  22/02969/FUL 14/02/2024  To submit a Footpath and Cycleway Maintenance Use and Management Strategy to the City Council and have it approved prior to Commencement     Footpath and Cycleway
Littlemore House, 33 Armstrong Road and Plot 18 Oxford Science Park  22/02969/FUL 14/02/2024 To submit the Biodiversity Scheme to the City Council for its written approval prior to implementation of the Planning Permission Biodiversity
  1. in relation to affordable housing, the total number of units which will be provided;

    Amount: 384
    Table showing list of projects
    Site name Planning reference   Date of agreement Affordable units
    Dominion Oil Site - Railway Lane, Littlemore 21/01176/FUL 07/08/2023 90
    Land at Blackbird Leys Road and Knights Road Oxford 23/00405/FUL 25/10/2023 294
  2. in relation to educational facilities, the number of school places for pupils which will be provided, and the category of school at which they will be provided;

    Amount: N/A

    Responsibility of Oxfordshire County Council

E. the total amount of money (received under any planning obligations) which was allocated but not spent during the reported year for funding infrastructure;    

Amount: £13,548,139.09

F. the total amount of money (received under any planning obligations) which was spent by the authority in the reported year (including transferring it to another person to spend);        

Amount: £1,829.62

See full breakdown in 3(h)(i)

G. in relation to money (received under planning obligations) which was allocated by the authority but not spent during the reported year, summary details of the infrastructure on which the money has been allocated, and the amount of money allocated to each item;    

Amount: £14,137,534.84    

Table showing Table showing list of categories
S106 Contribution Category  Amount
Affordable Housing £12,294,478.39
Open Space and Leisure/ Green Infrastructure £1,295,193.79
Community Facilities £237,000.00
Highways/ Transport and Travel  £227,029.75
Economic Development £39,880.00
Other (E.g. works of art)     £43,952.91

H. in relation to money (received under planning obligations) which was spent by the authority during the reported year (including transferring it to another person to spend), summary details of—        

  1. the items of infrastructure on which that money (received under planning obligations) was spent in this year, and the amount spent on each item;

    Amount: £1,829.62
    Table showing list of projects
    Site name Planning Reference Date Payment Received Category Amount  Contribution Use
    Sunnymead Court Oxford 07/01872/FUL 11/09/2008 Open Space and Leisure/ Green Infrastructure £1,829.62 For the provision of enhancement of play facilities at Sunnymeade Park the vicinity of the land
  2. the amount of money (received under planning obligations) spent on repaying money borrowed, including any interest, with details of the items of infrastructure which that money was used to provide (wholly or in part);  

    Amount: £0
  3. the amount of money (received under planning obligations) spent in respect of monitoring (including reporting under regulation 121A) in relation to the delivery of planning obligations;

    Amount: £0

I. the total amount of money (received under any planning obligations) during any year which was retained at the end of the reported year, and where any of the retained money has been allocated for the purposes of longer-term maintenance (“commuted sums”), also identify separately the total amount of commuted sums held.    

Amount: £0

4. The matters which may be included in the section 106 report for each reported year are—        

A. summary details of any funding or provision of infrastructure which is to be provided through a highway agreement under section 278 of the Highways Act 1980 which was entered into during the reported year,

Amount: N/A

Responsibility of Oxfordshire County Council

B. Summary details of any funding or provision of infrastructure under a highway agreement which was provided during the reported year.

Amount: N/A

Responsibility of Oxfordshire County Council

5. For the purposes of paragraph 3—

A. where the amount of money to be provided under any planning obligations is not known, an authority must provide an estimate;

Amount: -

B. a non-monetary contribution includes any land or item of infrastructure provided pursuant to a planning obligation;

Amount: -

C. Where the amount of money spent in respect of monitoring in relation to delivery of planning obligations is not known, an authority must provide an estimate.

Amount: -

3: Infrastructure projects to be funded wholly or partly by CIL

The current CIL held has been committed in full to projects/schemes within the Council’s Capital Programme as part of the Budget setting process. CIL is used alongside other funding sources to deliver projects and schemes across the city as part of the Capital Programme.

The funding of projects and schemes from CIL is set annually as part of the wider budget setting process for the Capital Programme with minor budget adjustments being made throughout the year, if and when necessary. The programme below sets out how funding from CIL is to be allocated to different infrastructure projects for the reported year and upcoming 5 years - however, this is currently under review. As part of the budget setting process, which at the time of reporting has not yet completed (completion expected Feb/Mar 2025), projects and allocations may change. The following table in this section only shows the funding from CIL and does not show full scheme costs or other funding sources.

Table 3.1 - CIL Capital Programme (December 2024)
  Links to wider strategies and Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) Infrastructure Category 2022/23 £ 2023/24 £ 2024/25 £ 2025/26 £ 2026/27 £
CIL Balance Brought Forward - - (11,571,913) (11,624,622) (14,929,102) (5,939,658) (1,668,320)
Oxford and Abingdon Flood Alleviation Scheme IDP; Oxfordshire Infrastructure Strategy (OxIS) Green/Blue Infrastructure - 4,470 - 250,000 -
Bullingdon Community Centre IDP Community Facilities 698,496 - 63,136 - -
B0086 Extension to Seacourt Park & Ride IDP Transport/ Highways 10,386 - - - -
Controlled Parking Zones IDP, Local Plan, Local Transport Plan (LTP), OxIS Transport/ Highways - - 443,000 - -
City-Wide Cycling Improvements, including cycle lanes and parking IDP, Local Plan, LTP Transport/ Highways 34,991 38,431 55,353 173,681 -
East Oxford Community Centre IDP Community Facilities 435,804 536,297 3,500,000 2,124,657


Blackbird Leys Regeneration Local Plan Economic Development 70,958 - 3,429,042



Oxford Station Masterplan (Feasibility) IDP, Local Plan, OxIS Economic Development, Transport - - 51,563



City Centre Restart (capital) COVID-19 City Restart Measures Economic Development - 100,000



Infrastructure Feasibility Budget IDP, Local Plan, OxIS Economic Development, Transport 6,650 - 43,350 - -
CPZ Donnington IDP, LTP, Local Plan Transport/ Highways - 57,000 - - -
Old Gas Works Bridges Oxford City Council Transport/ Highways - 908,429.62 700,000 - -
New Burial Space IDP, Local Plan Cemeteries






Jericho Community Centre Local Plan Community Facilities






Leisure Centre Capital Works and Replacement Local Plan Leisure - - 200,000 200,000 200,000
Community Centre Capital Works and Replacement IDP,Local Plan Community Facilities - - 150,000 - -
Total Projected Funding - - 1,257,285 1,710,565 8,989,444 4,271,338 620,000
Total Forecast Receipts in year - - 1,309,993 4,815,341 - - -
Balance Carried Forward - - (11,624,622) (14,929,102) (5,939,658) (1,668,320) (1,047,451)

Published: December 2024

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