About Anti-social Behaviour (ASB) Case Reviews

The focus of the ASB case review encourages a victim focused independent multi-agency problem-solving approach aimed at resolving persistent, complex cases of anti-social behaviour. Where no effective action has been taken to tackle anti-social behaviour by a specific organisation, stringent action plans are created with the victim by an ASB Case Review Panel. 

The review is not a substitute or alternative format to a formal complaint's procedure. A victim of anti-social behaviour may therefore wish to pursue both a formal complaint against the investigating agency and request an ASB Case Review.

ASB Case Review Threshold

An ASB Case Review will take place if the following threshold is met:

  • 3 or more qualifying complaints of anti-social behaviour relating to the same problem in the past 6 months to the Council, police or their landlord, and no effective action has been taken; or
  • 1 incident or crime motivated by hate in the last 3 months and no effective action has been taken

What do we mean by no effective action taken? 

  • The reported problems have not been acknowledged - i.e. no one contacted the customer to advise what action would be taken
  • No action plan has been provided or statement of expectation has been available 
  • The reported problems have not been appropriately investigated
  • Lack of transparency and/or no update on agencies response to complaints
  • The customers vulnerability and/or the potential for harm has not been considered and this has affected potential service delivery; i.e. no risk assessment has been taken 
  • No action has been taken because information has not been shared between partners and this has affected potential service delivery

How to activate the ASB Case review

A victim or a person representing the victim can request an ASB Case Review by completing the online application form:

Anti-social Behaviour Case Review referral form

Alternatively, a victim or a person representing the victim can request a physical copy of the application form and/or support in completing an application by contacting the Community Safety Team.

If the referral does not meet the threshold, the Designated Case Review Lead will report back to the victim with the rationale along with details of the appeals procedure. 

Next steps in the review

The Designated ASB Case Review Lead will organise an ASB case review meeting chaired by an independent panel. All agencies who have had previous involvement in the case will be invited to attend and give evidence. The panel will review what action has previously been taken and decide whether there are additional actions that can be taken. During the process consideration will always be given on how victims can best express the impact of the on-going ASB to the review panel.

For more information on the ASB Case Review please see our ASB Case Review Procedure.


For independent advice and support contact the following:

Contact the Community Safety ASB Service

Address: Town Hall
St Aldate's

Telephone: 01865 252969

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