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Abuse includes all forms of harm and mistreatment and may consist of a single act or repeated acts. It may include some of the following:
- Physical: being hit, slapped, shaken, pushed, kicked or burned.
- Sexual: being forced to take part in any sexual activity without consent (including if the victim is one's partner).
- Psychological: being shouted at, sworn at, frightened or ignored.
- Financial: illegal or unauthorised use of a person's property, money, pension or benefit book or other valuables.
- Neglect: being deprived of food, heat, clothing, comfort or essential medication.
- Discrimination: being abused due to race, sex, disability, age, illness, religious beliefs or sexual orientation.
The most likely abusers are family members, but could also be friends or a voluntary or paid carer who is supposed to be visiting and helping you or other service users or neighbours.
Reporting a problem
We do understand how difficult it might be for someone to speak about being abused or coming forward to report someone who might be being abused.
We will try and keep your details confidential if you ask them to do so. However, this is not always possible. We may have to pass on your details to other organisations, such as the police, or it may become obvious to others who you are.
Please do not hesitate to speak to someone you can trust, this could include any of the following:
- Your mobile warden or residential warden
- Oxford City Council Housing Tenants and leaseholders: 01865 249811
What action we will take
Our actions will depend on the situation.
We will:
- Listen to what you tell us; if you are in immediate danger or in need of medical attention we will contact the emergency services: 999
- We will record and report any allegation of abuse to the appropriate authorities, care provider or organisation.
If the abused is unable to make decisions for themselves or other people may be at risk of abuse we will contact:
- Thames Valley Police: 101
- Oxfordshire Social & Community Services Access Team: 0845 050 7666 to make an adult protection or safeguarding referral, depending upon the persons circumstances.
Obtaining Further Help
We understand that some people would prefer to talk to someone who has no connection with us. If you, or someone you know, would like help but do not want to speak to anyone at the council, there are other options:
- Social Services Emergency Duty Team is available out of office hours i.e. evenings and weekends - 0800 833 408
- Social Services Access Information and Services Team - 0845 0507666
- Elder Abuse National Help Line - 0808 808 8141
- National Domestic Violence Helpline - 0808 2000 247
If you would like more local assistance you could contact any of the following:
- A responsible medical officer i.e. your doctor or consultant
- Age UK - 01235 849400
- Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Helpline - 0800 731 0055
- Childline - 0800 1111
- Oxfordshire Mental Health Information - 01865 247788
- Oxfordshire Sexual Abuse and Rape Crisis Centre - 0800 7836294
- Police: Domestic Violence Unit - 101 (in an emergency dial 999)
- Victim Support Line - 0845 38 99 528
- Forced Marriage Unit - 020 7008 0151
- National Stalking Helpline - 0808 802 030
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Contact the Housing Needs Team
Address: Housing Needs SA0Town Hall
St Aldate's