Oxford City Council emergency services

To contact Oxford City Council emergency services when it is out-of-hours, call 01865 249811 and choose from the options given.

Emergency caretaking services

To contact emergency caretaking services for the locations listed when it is out-of-hours, call 07932 762712.

  • Housing for older people schemes
  • Evenlode Tower
  • Foresters Tower
  • Pound House
  • Plowman Tower
  • Riverside Court
  • Windrush Tower

Homelessness emergencies

If you have a homelessness emergency call the Out-of-hours Homelessness Emergency duty team on 0800 833408.

For more information and other support available see our pages for Homelessness.

Gas and carbon monoxide emergencies

To report a gas or carbon monoxide emergency call the 24-hour National Gas Emergency Service 0800 111 999.


If the matter is not an emergency, our online services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • Do it online - shortcuts to online accounts
  • Pay it online - pay for things like a Council service, rent, fine or penalty notice
  • Report it online - report issues and problems or tell us about changes to things like existing claims
  • Apply for it online - apply for things like services, a licence, benefit or discount online

You can also Visit us in person during opening hours (Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm).

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