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The Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) have been introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing in England, to assess how well landlords are doing in providing good quality homes and services.

There are 22 measures. 12 of these measures come directly from the annual Survey of Tenants and Residents (STAR) and 10 come from information we hold in our systems on our operational activity.

These measures have been designed to drive up standards and improve the quality of social housing by ensuring social housing providers are accountable for the services delivered to customers.

The measures focus on five key themes:

  • Keeping properties in good repair
  • Maintaining building safety
  • Respectful and helpful engagement
  • Effective handling of complaints
  • Responsible neighbourhood management

How we are performing on the Tenant Satisfaction Measures

The Regulator of Social Housing requires us to share this result annually. The results below show our performance based on 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024. 

Overall satisfaction with the services provided by us: 77.5%

Keeping properties in good repair

  • Satisfied with repairs we carry out on your property: 83.1%
  • Satisfied with the time taken to complete repair: 81.0%
  • Satisfied with the home we provide is well maintained: 78.2%
  • Homes that do not meet the Decent Home Standard: 4.3%
  • Proportion of non-emergency repairs completed in target time scales: 96.5%
  • Proportion of emergency repairs completed in target time scales: 99.7%

Maintaining Building Safety

  • Satisfied your home is safe: 81.6%
  • Gas Safety Checks: 100%
  • Fire Safety Checks: 100%
  • Asbestos Safety Checks: 100%
  • Water Safety Checks: 100%
  • Lift Safety Checks: 100%

Respectful and helpful engagement

  • Satisfied that we listen to your views an act on them: 65.9%
  • Satisfied that we keep you informed about things that matter to you: 79.5%
  • Agree that we treat you fairly and with respect: 81.7%

Effect handling of complaints

  • Satisfied with our approach to complaint handing: 32.5%
  • Number of stage one complaints received per 1,000 homes: 47.4%
  • Number of stage two complaints received per 1,000 homes: 2.6%
  • Proportion of stage 1 complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman Complaints Handling Code time scale: 94.6%
  • Proportion of stage 2 complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman Complaints Handling Code time scale: 100%

Responsible neighbourhood management

  • Satisfied we keep communal areas clean and well maintained: 73.3%
  • Satisfied we make positive contributions to the neighbourhood: 71.1%
  • Satisfied with our approach of handling of Anti-social behaviour: 66.8%
  • Number of anti-social behaviour cases, opened per 1,000 homes: 40.8%
  • Number of anti-social behaviour cases, opened per 1,000 homes: 2.0%

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