Please find below details of current licensing applications and those most recently granted. This list is updated weekly (or sooner if required).
Representations can be sent to:
The Licensing Authority,
Oxford City Council,
Town Hall,
St Aldate's,
Oxford, OX1 1BX
Or by email to
- Minor Variation Application: Marks and Spencer, 242-252 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 7EJ
- New Premises Licence Application: Baweja Superstore, 334-336 Abingdon Road, Oxford, OX1 4TQ
- New Premises Licence Application:Ramen Korner 59 - 60 High Street Oxford OX1 4AS
- Review of Premises Licence - Uni Food and Wine, 19 Park End Street, Oxford, OX1 1HU