If you lose your dog, report it to us immediately. Delaying the report might result in your dog being impounded, and a fee will be required for its retrieval.

Report a lost dog

Oxford City Council is responsible for managing all stray dogs, including those found outside regular hours. The police no longer accept stray dogs at their stations.

Our Dog Warden Service follows a non-destruction policy. All unclaimed strays are re-homed unless they are too ill or dangerous.

Fees and charges to reclaim your dog

Charges for reclaiming your lost dog, if it has been collected by us, are:

  • return fee if dog taken to kennels - £163.50
  • return fee if dog taken to kennels (for owners in receipt of prescribed benefits) - £121
  • return fee if dog not taken to kennels - £104.50
  • return fee if dog not taken to kennels (for owners in receipt of prescribed benefits) - £33
  • any veterinary costs incurred while in the care of the Dog Warden/kennels will be charged to the owner

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