The electoral register is a list of the names and addresses of everyone who is registered to vote in Oxford. There are two versions of the electoral register - the full register and the edited register.
Please contact us if you want to purchase data.
Full Register
The full register is not available online or for purchase and is only made available to certain people or organisations such as: councillors, police, and credit reference agencies.
Edited Register
The edited register is available for general sale and can be used for commercial activities such as marketing. The edited register only contains the names of registered voters who have not opted out. Anyone may purchase this register to use for any lawful purpose.
Whose details appear on the electoral register
Your details will appear on the full register but you can choose whether or not your details appear on the edited register. You can make this choice when you register to vote via our annual canvass form (sent to your house in the autumn each year) or via the online application form.
Registering anonymously
Anyone who does not wish for their name to appear on the register can apply to be registered anonymously, although you will have to provide a good reason for this. Applicants need documentary evidence of a Court Order or attestation from certain persons to support their application.
Anyone who has concerns about their name appearing on the electoral register should contact us.