Voting by proxy means getting someone to vote on your behalf.
You can apply to vote by proxy:
- for a single election on a specific date (all electors)
- for specific period (all electors)
- permanently (permanent proxy arrangements are only allowed for overseas voters and those who have a medical or work reason (independent attestation is required for these))
You'll need to give the reason why you're applying for a proxy vote.
You can now apply online - you'll need to be able to upload a copy/photo of your wet ink signature.
Apply for a proxy vote on GOV.UK
Or you can download a proxy voting application form to complete and return.
Once complete, please deliver the form to the Elections Office, Town Hall, St Aldate's, Oxford, OX1 1BX. Alternatively, you can scan the completed form and email it to
Changing or cancelling your proxy vote
To change who acts as your proxy, just make a new proxy vote application.
If you want to vote by post instead, complete a Postal vote application.
To start voting in person again, contact us for more information.