
The four objectives we have outlined follow the Local Government Association’s priorities for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. These are cross-cutting themes that underpin all our work and our service strategies. We need clear oversight and processes to ensure we remain on track to deliver our commitments in this strategy.

The city council has established an Equalities Steering group, chaired by the Executive Director for Communities and People. This is an advisory group that meets monthly to review progress at service level, reflect staff experience of EDI policy and implementation, and champion EDI within service areas.

To strengthen oversight, accountability, and challenge at the senior level, the Equalities Steering group will present quarterly to the Corporate Management Team (CMT) of service directors and the Leaders Group of Cabinet Members. CMT and the Leaders Group will have a challenge and advisory role, rather than acting as decision-makers on EDI delivery. Likewise, the Scrutiny function’s purpose is to provide independent and cross-party challenge and advice from non-executive members. Scrutiny also has the capacity to undertake deep-dives into specific topics through Review Groups, and Scrutiny will be offered the opportunity to establish a standing Equalities Review Group as part of its annual work programme.

Our review and development of Equality Impact Assessments and their governance will deliver improvements in how we consider and address equality and inclusion across all our services and policies.

Oversight structure

Proposed Leaders Meeting EDI oversight – meets quarterly

  • EDI update led by the Cabinet Member for Inclusive Communities
  • Cabinet members
  • Council leader
  • CEO and service directors

Proposed CMT oversight – meets quarterly

  • EDI update led by the Director for Communities & People
  • service directors
  • Equalities Steering Group representatives

Equalities Steering Group – meets monthly

  • Chair – Director for Communities and People
  • HR workplace equality lead
  • priority leads
  • service area reps

Service areas

  • service lead
  • Equality Steering Group rep
  • service area staff

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