May Morning celebrations in Oxford

Oxford's May Morning celebrations date back more than 500 years. The tradition sees thousands of people gather along High Street and Magdalen Bridge at 6am on 1 May to hear Magdalen College Choir herald the arrival of spring.

How to experience May Morning

Crowds typically start to assemble around Magdalen College Tower from 5.30am. We've arranged a crowd management system to ensure a safe and enjoyable morning for everyone.

Look out for stewards and signage guiding you to viewing spots. It's important to follow any instructions from stewards, who are there to help you and others enjoy the experience.

Specific viewing areas for wheelchair users, families with young children, and those with buggies are set up in the Magdalen College School car park and in Rose Lane.

Map showing location of May Morning event viewing areas

Road closures during May Morning

Expect road closures from 2am to 9am on May Morning, affecting all traffic, including bicycles:

  • High St (A420) - from The Plain to east of the King Edward Street junction
  • Longwall Street - from the junction with High Street to the Holywell Street junction
  • Rose Lane - entire road
  • Merton Street - at the junction with High Street
  • Queen’s Lane - at the junction with High Street

Map showing location of May Morning event road closures

Advertising at May Morning

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Relive May Morning 2023 in Oxford

Watch 'May Morning 2023 highlights' on YouTube (2 minutes, 3 seconds)

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