External audit
Our accounts are audited by Ernst & Young LLP (EY) to ensure accuracy and fairness. Our annual statement of accounts is completed by the end of May each year, and EY aims to finish their audit by the end of July annually.
EY's audit adheres to the requirements of the Audit Commission Act 1998, the CIPFA Code of Audit Practice, Audit Commission Standing Guidance, auditing standards, and other professional requirements.
Access our audited accounts
For more details, visit our Accounts page.
Audit results reports
Download our latest Audit Results Reports.
Annual audit letters
Download our latest Annual Audit Letters.
Internal audit
The internal audit, conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), ensures efficiency and effectiveness in our internal procedures. PwC, a major accounting and auditing firm, provides independent and objective audits of Council performance.
PwC UK offers a range of professional services including audit, tax, financial, and risk advisory. Their risk-focused internal audit approach gives management assurance on risk management and internal controls. It also advises on managing risks, implementing best practices, and improving systems for better value for money.
PwC maintains regular communication with our officers and the Audit and Governance Committee.
Contact the Finance Team
Address: Oxford City CouncilTown Hall
St Aldate's