We are committed to providing transparent data about employee pay. Information about senior management, employee pay and union costs is provided below.
Pay Policy Statement
Download the Pay Policy Statement.
Pay Scales
Download the Senior management and employee salary cards.
The Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) covers council employees and some councillors. The LGPS is a contributory scheme; employees contribute 5.5%-12.5% of their own salaries to the scheme.
Employers' contributions to the LGPS vary depending upon how much is needed to ensure benefits under the Scheme are properly funded, and are set independently.
The rules governing the pension scheme are contained in regulations made by Parliament. Further information about the scheme can be found on the LGPS website.
Bonuses, Benefits in Kind and Expenses
We do not pay bonuses.
We do not offer any ‘benefits in kind’ in addition to salary. We do, however, offer salary sacrifice schemes such as for bicycles which staff may choose to have in exchange for salary.
Employees sometimes necessarily incur travel or other expenses directly related to their duties. Employees may claim reimbursement of legitimate business expenses by following properly controlled procedures. None of the reimbursement is for profit and evidence of the expense and why it was necessary must be provided before payment is made.
Senior management salaries
Our annual statements of accounts include information about the remuneration of senior employees as required by the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, namely:
- details of remuneration and job title of certain senior employees whose salary is at least £50,000
- name of employees whose salary is £150,000 or more
- the number of employees whose remuneration in that year was at least £50,000 in brackets of £50,000
Download Senior managers' salary data.
Senior management structure
For information about our senior management team visit our Staff and management structure page.
Politically restricted posts
Some post holders, including the senior management team, are restricted by law from taking part in political activities. For more information please refer to our guidance and our list of restricted posts:Guidae Politically restricted posts guidance and list:
Equalities and Pay Gap reporting
View our workforce equalities, gender and ethnicity pay gap reports.
We recognise two trade unions (Unison and Unite the Union) and work closely in partnership with them both across a range of issues, from policy development to individual employee cases. We consult and negotiate together, meeting regularly as groups or one to ones. Trade union colleagues are invited to attend various meetings which help develop our future strategy such as the budget, organisational change and project management.
In order for Trade Unions to actively participate in these initiatives they need time and our commitment to this is set out in the Trade Union Facilities Agreement.
We fully endorse the ACAS code which sets out the right to time off for union duties and believes that the most efficient and cost-effective way to support employee relations is to have dedicated paid trade union branch secretaries. This enables a planned approach which facilitates early discussion about cases and issues which might otherwise end in costly litigation. Dedicated trade union officials are able to give high quality representation and contributions from an early stage which is in everyone's interest.
As required by the Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations our data for the period from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 is below:
Relevant Union officials
Number of employees who were relevant officials: 15
Full time equivalent employee number: 13.34
Percentage of working time spent on facility time by each employee
Percentage of time | Number of employees |
0% | 0 |
1-50% | 14 |
51- 99% | 0 |
100% | 1 |
Percentage of pay bill spent on facility time
- Total cost of facility time: £43,253.23
- Total pay bill : £36,911,262
- Percentage of total pay bill spent on facility time: 0.12%
Paid trade union activities
Time spent on trade union activities as a percentage of the total paid facility time hours: 13.17%
The above information is also available on the Report trade union facility time data pages of GOV.UK.