Gambling Act 2005 - Premises
Bingo Premises
- Application (3500 max permitted) - £930.00
- Annual fee (1000 max permitted) - £610.00
- Variation application (1750 max permitted) - £1,330.00
- Transfer application (1200 max permitted) - £430.00
- Reinstatement application (1200 max permitted) - £555.00
- Provisional statement application (3500 max permitted) - £805.00
- Copy of licence - £25.00
- Notification of a change - £50.00
Family Entertainment Centre
- Application (2000 max permitted) - £750.00
- Annual fee (750 max permitted) - £680.00
- Variation application (1000 max permitted) - £1,000.00
- Transfer application (950 max permitted) - £400.00
- Reinstatement application (950 max permitted) - £485.00
- Provisional statement application (2000 max permitted) - £660.00
- Copy of licence - £25.00
- Notification of a change - £50.00
Adult Gaming Centre
- Application (2000 max permitted) - £750.00
- Annual fee (1000 max permitted) - £680.00
- Variation application (2000 max permitted) - £1,030.00
- Transfer application (1200 max permitted) - £400.00
- Reinstatement application (1200 max permitted) - £485.00
- Provisional statement application (2000 max permitted) - £660.00
- Copy of licence - £25.00
- Notification of a change - £50.00
Betting Premises (Track)
- Application (2500 max permitted) - £890.00
- Annual fee (1000 max permitted) - £805.00
- Variation application (1250 max permitted) - £1,250.00
- Transfer application (950 max permitted) - £420.00
- Reinstatement application (950 max permitted) - £520.00
- Provisional statement application (2500 max permitted) - £730.00
- Copy of licence - £25.00
- Notification of a change - £50.00
Betting Premises (Other)
- Application (3000 max permitted ) - £835.00
- Annual fee (600 max permitted) - £600.00
- Variation application (1500 max permitted) - £1,160.00
- Transfer application (1200 max permitted) - £420.00
- Reinstatement application (1200 max permitted) - £520.00
- Provisional statement application (3000 max permitted) - £730.00
- Copy of licence - £25.00
- Notification of a change - £50.00
Gambling Act 2005 - Permits
Alcohol Premises Gaming Machine Permits
- Application - £150.00
- Existing operator application - £100.00
- Annual fee - £50.00
- Permit variation fee - £100.00
- Transfer of permit - £25.00
- Change of name on permit - £25.00
- Copy of permit - £15.00
- Notification of 2 machines - £50.00
Club Gaming Permits and Club Gaming Machine Permits
- Application - £200.00
- Application (Club Premises Certificate holder) - £100.00
- Annual fee - £50.00
- Permit variation fee - £100.00
- Renewal - £200.00
- Renewal (Club Premises Certificate holder) - £100.00
- Permit variation fee - £100.00
- Copy of permit - £15.00
Family Entertainment Centre Gaming Machine Permits
- Application - £300.00
- Existing operator application - £100.00
- Renewal - £300.00
- Change of name on permit - £25.00
- Copy of permit - £15.00
Gambling Act 2005 Temporary Use Notice
- Submission of Notice - £500.00
- Copy of Notice - £25.00
Miscellaneous Charges
- Copy of Premises/Person Entry in Licensing Register - £27.00
- Statement of Gambling Policy document - £43.00
- Copy of Licensing Decision Notice - £25.00
- Current list of licensing applications - £12.50