This information relates to getting involved at Licensing and Gambling Acts Casework Sub-Committee and General Purposes Licensing Casework Sub-Committee meetings.
Attending meetings
Licensing and Gambling Acts Casework Sub-Committee and General Purposes Licensing Casework Sub-Committee meetings are held at least partially in public and you are welcome to attend the public part.
You should be aware that part of the meetings will be held in private as the sub-committees can both consider individual cases and applications, and the sub-committees can go into private session to make their decision.
When the General Purposes Licensing Casework Sub-Committee decides on taxi licensing cases, these agenda items are always considered in private because they deal with individual cases and applications.
You will be asked to leave the meeting when the sub-committee goes to private session.
Meeting dates and start times are on the calendar and a notice advertising each meeting is posted at the front of the Town Hall on St. Aldate's, Oxford. The majority of meetings are held in the Town Hall.
If you have written to the council about a licensing application the licensing officer should contact you to tell you when it will come to the sub-committee.
Asking questions, making comments or speaking
General Purposes Licensing Casework Sub-Committee
Where the press and public are not excluded any member of the public and any City Councillor can speak on any agenda item for up to five minutes if the chair agrees. Individuals should register to speak by 4pm on the day of the meeting. Any extra written material should be submitted at least two working days before the meeting.
Licensing and Gambling Acts Casework Sub-Committee
This committee deals with some applications made under two specific laws and these and associated legislation set out how they must conduct their hearings.
More information about hearings and how to get involved.
Only those people and interested parties who have made representations in writing as set out in the guidelines and within the time for consultation can speak at these hearings.
Meeting agenda
All agendas are available on our website.
The agenda lists all the business the sub-committee will consider. These are published five clear working days before the meeting. In exceptional circumstances a particularly urgent item may be added after the agenda is published. If this happens, it will be published on the website as soon as possible.
You can register for alerts for agenda.
Decisions which will be taken by the Licensing & Gambling Acts Casework Sub-Committee will be published in the agenda at least six clear working days before the meeting. Those people who in law need to be notified will be sent notice of the meeting 10 working days in advance.
Decisions which will be taken by the General Purposes Licensing Casework Sub-Committee will be published in the agenda six clear working days before the meeting.
Recording meetings
You are able to record meetings using your own equipment. To allow you to do this without disrupting the meeting we have set a filming and recording protocol which we would ask you to read.