A house or flat is a house in multiple occupation (HMO) if:
- occupants share basic amenities (toilet, bathroom and/or kitchen)
- it is occupied at least three people (adults and children)
- they form at least two households - see Glossary of terms for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO)
- it is their only or main residence (includes full-time students and use as a refuge from domestic violence)
- the house is used as a home only (this means a residential house or flat and not a commercial unit)
- rent is payable (includes when accommodation provided instead of wages)
A mandatory (England-wide) HMO licence is required for:
- houses that are HMOs occupied by five or more unrelated people
- flats that have five (5) or more occupants from two or more households who share facilities but is not a purpose-built flat situated in a block comprising three or more self-contained flats
More information
Additional Licensing scheme changes 2021