A number of council homes contain asbestos. Breathing asbestos fibres can be dangerous to your health. We are committed to ensuring that all materials containing asbestos in your home are safe.
If you find materials containing asbestos or they are discovered during minor works, we will inspect and if warranted, the material will be removed. We will keep you informed about the process at all times.
If you suspect that asbestos containing materials have been damaged please contact us.
Things to remember about asbestos
Materials containing asbestos which are in good condition and left undisturbed, are safe and do not pose a risk to your health. Remember the following:
- try to ensure that anything you think may contain asbestos remains in good condition
- before carrying out DIY work always consult us to seek advice
- don't drill, sand or scrape anything you think may contain asbestos - seek advice from us first
- always soak wallpaper before removing, if possible use a steam stripper and then gently peel away the paper before re-decorating
- don't try to remove textured coatings from ceilings or walls - wash any areas of flaking paint before re-painting
- don't try to remove old floor tiles or linoleum - leave them in place and lay new floor coverings over them
- if you suspect that asbestos containing materials have been damaged please contact us
How we manage asbestos
As our housing stock is of various ages, we have a policy for the management of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM).
We have a policy to remove all asbestos products from the inside of empty (void) properties whilst they are being brought up to the Decent Homes Standard or during major works to improve homes.
We comply with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 and to enable compliance to this policy all of our operatives have received training and awareness of asbestos, its likely effects and the likely locations within housing stock.
All our operatives have received an issue of the Health and Safety Executive publication 'Asbestos Essentials' giving methods of work and the necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements. They all receive training in 'Asbestos Awareness and Minor Works' and appropriate trades are trained in the safe removal of unlicensed asbestos.
Most common locations of asbestos
The most common locations of asbestos in council homes is:
- facia and soffit boards
- panels beneath window frames
- roof sheets or tiles
- loft cement cold water tank
- old ventilation pipes and soil pipes
- textured coatings and ceiling panels
- hot pipe insulation
- bath panelling
- garage roofs
- garage facia boards
- garage window lining
- panels behind fires or heaters
- fire door panels
- partition walls
- rainwater downpipes and guttering
- service ducting
- roof felt or lining panels
- floor tiles and linoleum products