The Oxford Community Impact Fund (OCIF) was established following a grant review conducted in 2021 to find better ways of supporting community groups and individuals to deliver projects for wider community benefit. 

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must:

  • Operate on a not-for-profit basis (or if an individual, provide wider public benefit)
  • Be financially viable
  • Have a track record of delivery related to the activities they seek funding for
  • Deliver the funded activity in Oxford. Download our boundary map.

If after reading these pages you have any queries, please email the Grants Team:

How much is available?

The Oxford Community Impact Fund (OCIF) programme will run for a minimum of 3 years, starting in 2022/23, and will be reviewed annually. It has been split into two main strands:

  • Small and Medium Grants (three rounds each year)
  • Big Ideas (closed to new applicants)

Small and Medium Grants

The total annual value of these grants is expected to be £84,000 per year. There will be a single pot which Small and Medium Grant applicants can bid against. There will be no predetermined allocation of funds between the two which will allow the Grants Panel flexibility to support the strongest applications.

Not for profit organisations can apply for up to £5,000 per round, while individuals can apply for up to £1,000 per round.

Next funding round

Applications for Round 3 2024/25 will open on 30 August 2024 (see Small and Medium Grants page for details). 

Big Ideas (2022/23 to 2024/25)

This three year funding programme is closed to new applicants. You can find a list on our Groups awarded grants page.

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