Part C: Permits, Temporary and Occasional use of Notices - Statement of Gambling Licensing Policy


26. Unlicensed Family Entertainment Centre gaming machine permits

(Statement of Principles on Permits (2005 Act, Schedule 10, para.7))

Where a premises has no Premises Licence, but the user wishes to provide gaming machines, it may apply to the Licensing Authority for this permit. The applicant must show that the premises will be wholly or mainly used for making gaming machines available for use (2005 Act, s238).

The 2005 Act states that a licensing authority may prepare a statement of principles that they propose to consider in determining the suitability of an applicant for a permit; and that it shall have regard to the GC Guidance (under section 25) and need not (but may) have regard to the licensing objectives in preparing this statement or considering applications, or both.

The Licensing Authority notes that the GC Guidance states that:
“In their three-year licensing policy statement, licensing authorities may include a statement of principles that they propose to apply when exercising their functions in considering applications for permits ... licensing authorities will want to give weight to child protection issues.”

The GC Guidance also states: “An application for a permit may be granted only if the licensing authority is satisfied that the premises will be used as an unlicensed FEC, and if the chief officer of police has been consulted on the application. Licensing authorities might wish to consider asking applicants to demonstrate:

  • a full understanding of the maximum stakes and prizes of the gambling that is permissible in unlicensed FECs.
  • that the applicant has no relevant convictions (those that are set out in Schedule 7 of the Act; and
  • that staff are trained to have a full understanding of the maximum stakes and prizes.”

The Licensing Authority cannot attach conditions to this type of permit.

Statement of Principles

The Licensing Authority expects each applicant to show that there are policies and procedures in place to protect children from harm. Harm in this context is not limited to harm from gambling but includes wider child protection considerations.

The Licensing Authority will consider on their individual merits the efficiency of such policies and procedures, which may include appropriate measures / training for staff as regards suspected truant school children on the premises, measures / training covering how staff would deal with any unsupervised very young children on the premises, or children causing perceived problems on or around the premises.

In accordance with GC Guidance, the Licensing Authority will also expect applicants to demonstrate a full understanding of the maximum stakes and prizes of the gambling that is permissible in unlicensed Family Entertainment Centres; that the applicant has no relevant convictions (as set out in Schedule 7 of the Act); and that staff are trained to have a full understanding of the maximum stakes and prizes.

27. Alcohol-licensed premises gaming machine permits

(2005 Act, Schedule 13 para 4(1))

27.1. Notification for up to two gaming machines

The 2005 Act provides for premises licensed to sell alcohol for consumption on the premises (other than as part of a meal), to have up to 2 gaming machines of either category C or D or one of each.
Authorisation is automatic if the person responsible for the premises notifies the Licensing Authority.

The Licensing Authority can remove the automatic authorisation for any premises if:

  • provision of the machines is not reasonably consistent with the pursuit of the licensing objectives.
  • gaming has taken place on the premises that breaches a condition of s.282 of the 2005 Act. (This requires a fee and written notice to be provided to the Licensing Authority, and compliance with any relevant code of practice issued by the Gambling Commission about the location and operation of the machine).
  • the premises are mainly used for gaming; or
  • an offence under the 2005 Act has been committed on the premises.

27.2. Permit for more than two gaming machines

A premises manager wanting more than 2 machines on the premises must apply for a permit and the Licensing Authority must base its consideration of that application based upon the licensing objectives, any GC Guidance, and “such matters as they think relevant.”

The Licensing Authority considers that “such matters” will be decided on the merits of each case. However, it will have general regard to the need to protect children and vulnerable persons from harm or being exploited by gambling. It will expect the applicant to demonstrate use of adequate measures to ensure that persons under 18 years old do not have access to ‘adult only’ gaming machines.

For this purpose, the Licensing Authority may be satisfied of the adequacy of measures that may include:

  • Siting all ‘adult’ machines in sight of bar staff, or of other staff who will prevent use of those machines by those under 18.
  • Appropriate notices and signage.

The Licensing Authority expects applicants to consider providing information leaflets or helpline numbers for organisations such as GamCare for the benefit of vulnerable persons.
A Licensing Authority can decide to grant a permit with fewer machines or a different category of machines than stated in the application. It can attach no conditions other than these.

The holder of a permit must comply with any Code of Practice issued by the Gambling Commission about the location and operation of the machines.

The Licensing Authority will distinguish between those parts of premises that are licensed for the consumption of alcohol on the premises (other than as part of a meal) and other parts. Gaming machines may not be provided in those other parts of the premises without a premises licence for an Adult Gaming Centre.

28. Prize Gaming Permits

(Statement of Principles on Permits - Schedule 14 para 8 (3))

The 2005 Act states that a Licensing Authority may:

“Prepare a statement of principles that they propose to apply in exercising their functions under this Schedule” which “may, in particular, specify matters that the licensing authority propose to consider in determining the suitability of the applicant for a permit”. (2005 Act Schedule 14 8 (1))

The Licensing Authority has prepared a Statement of Principles, which is that the applicant should set out the types of gaming that he or she is intending to offer, and that the applicant should be able to demonstrate:

  • that they understand the limits to stakes and prizes that are set out in Regulations
  • and that the gaming offered is within the law.

In making its decision on an application for this permit the Licensing Authority does not need to have regard to the licensing objectives but must have regard to any GC Guidance.

It should be noted that there are conditions in the 2005 Act by which the permit holder must comply, but that the Licensing Authority cannot attach further conditions.

The conditions in the Act are:

  • the limits on participation fees, as set out in regulations, must be complied with.
  • all chances to participate in the gaming must be allocated on the premises on which the gaming is taking place and on one day; the game must be played and completed on the day the chances are allocated; and the result of the game must be made public in the premises on the day that it is played.
  • the prize for which the game is played must not exceed the amount set out in regulations (if a money prize), or the prescribed value (if non-monetary prize); and
  • participation in the gaming must not entitle the player to take part in any other gambling.

29. Club Gaming and Club Machines Permits

Members Clubs and Miners’ welfare institutes (but not Commercial Clubs) may apply for either:

  • a Club Gaming Permit, which will enable the premises to provide gaming machines (3 machines of categories B, C or D), equal chance gaming and games of chance as set-out in regulations; or
  • a Club Gaming Machine Permit, which will enable the premises to provide gaming machines (3 machines of categories B, C or D) without other gaming.

 The Licensing Authority notes GC Guidance that:

“The Act states that members’ clubs must have at least 25 members and be established and conducted ‘wholly or mainly’ for purposes other than gaming unless the gaming is restricted to that of a prescribed kind (currently bridge and whist). Members’ clubs must be permanent in nature but there is no need for a club to have an alcohol licence.”

The Licensing Authority notes that:

“Licensing authorities may only refuse an application on the grounds that:

  • the applicant does not fulfil the requirements for a members’ or commercial club or miners’ welfare institute and therefore is not entitled to receive the type of permit for which it has applied.
  • the applicant’s premises are used wholly or mainly by children and/or young persons.
  • an offence under the Act or a breach of a permit has been committed by the applicant while providing gaming facilities.
  • a permit held by the applicant has been cancelled in the previous ten years; or
  • an objection has been lodged by the Commission or the police.

There is a ‘fast-track’ procedure available, under the 2005 Act, for premises that hold a Club Premises Certificate under the 2003 Act. The GC Guidance states:

“Under the fast-track procedure there is no opportunity for objections to be made by the Commission or the police, and the ground upon which an authority can refuse a permit are reduced”.


“The grounds on which an application under the process may be refused are:

  • that the club is established primarily for gaming, other than gaming prescribed under s.266 of the Act.
  • that in addition to the prescribed gaming, the applicant provides facilities for other gaming.
  • that a club gaming permit or club machine permit issued to the applicant in the last ten years has been cancelled.
  • Factors to consider when granting a club gaming permit.”

There are statutory conditions on club gaming permits that no child uses a category B or C machine on the premises and that the holder complies with any relevant provision of a code of practice about the location and operation of gaming machines.

30. Temporary Use Notices

Temporary Use Notices are subject to a number of statutory limits.

The Licensing Authority is responsible for deciding what constitutes the extent of a set of premises to which a Temporary Use Notice applies, where separate notices are received for different parts of the same building or site.

The Licensing Authority notes GC Guidance that:

“The definition of 'a set of premises' will be a question of fact in the particular circumstances of each notice that is given. In considering whether a place falls within the definition, licensing authorities will need to look at, amongst other things, the ownership and/or occupation and control of the premises. For example, a large exhibition centre with a number of exhibition halls may come within the definition of 'premises'. A Temporary Use Notice should not then be granted for 21 days in respect of each of its exhibition halls. In relation to other covered areas, such as shopping centres, the licensing authority will need to consider whether different units are in fact different 'sets of premises', given that they may be occupied and controlled by different people.”

31. Occasional Use Notices

The Licensing Authority has very little discretion in determining Occasional Use Notices, other than ensuring that the statutory limit of 8 days in a calendar year is not exceeded.

However, the Licensing Authority will need to consider the definition of a ‘track’ and whether the applicant is permitted to use such a notice.

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