Local Area Profile - Statement of Gambling Licensing Policy
The Gambling Commission has introduced new provisions in its social responsibility code within the Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice. These require Gambling Operators to assess the local
risks to the licensing objectives posed by the provision of gambling facilities at each of their premises and to have policies, procedures and control measures in place to mitigate the risks. This provision came into force on 6th April 2016. Oxford City Council has produced this Local Area Profile to assist Gambling Operators in undertaking and preparing their Local (premises) Risk Assessment.
The document provides wide sources of data, statistics and information available through various bodies to allow Gambling Operators to identify relevant, sensitive and vulnerable matters and areas when preparing their Local Risk Assessment and to actively manage risks to each premises.
Particular attention should be paid by operators to locations that contain premises of the type that the Licensing Authority has identified as sensitive. This should be considered by operators along with relevant matters identified in the Licensing Authority’s Statement of Gambling Policy when assessing and making their Local Risk Assessment.
Operators will need to consider the type of existing premises and how they operate in the local area surrounding any proposed licensed premises, especially in relation to the local profile and premises types that the Licensing Authority considers are sensitive. These include:
- Educational facilities in the local area
- Community Centres
- Any vulnerable group or venues relating to those vulnerable groups i.e.
- Homeless shelters and care/support facilities.
- Hospitals, mental health, or gambling care providers.
- Alcohol or drug support facilities
- Religious establishments
If an Operator intends to apply for a new Premises Licence or a variation to a Premises Licence, then a Local Risk Assessment must be carried out. The assessment should be based on how the premises are proposed to operate and will need to identify the risk factors associated with the local area in which the premises are located. These factors are risks that relate to the potential impact the gambling premises and its operation may have on the licensing objectives. Considerations for operators are also identified in the Licensing Authority Statement of Gambling Policy.
Operators are required to review their Local Risk Assessment if significant changes in local circumstances occur. The following lists sets out some examples of what the Licensing Authority considers to be significant changes in local circumstances:
- Any substantial building development or conversion of existing premises in the local area which may increase the number of vulnerable persons in the area.
- Educational facilities, including student living accommodation, increase in the local area. This may occur because of the construction of a new school/college or where a significant change is made to an existing establishment.
- Any vulnerable group is identified by the Licensing Authority or venues relating to those vulnerable groups are opened in proximity to gambling premises (e.g. additional homeless hostels or gambling or mental health care/support facilities are opened in the local area).
When preparing an application to vary the Premises Licence the Operator must undertake a review of the Local Risk Assessment and update it if necessary. Operators submitting a variation application to the Licensing Authority should provide a copy of the reviewed Local Risk Assessment when submitting the application. An operator will need to consider risks in relation to how the Premises will be, or is, managed. Identification of risks associated with these elements will be dependent on the type of premises and the local area. Elements to be considered include:
- How the gambling operation will relate to how the operator conducts its business
- What gambling products it provides in the premises
- The facilities to enable gambling within the premises.
- The staffing levels within the premises
- The level and requirement for staff training
- Whether loyalty or account cards are used or not
- The policies and procedures it has in place in relation to regulatory requirements of the Act or to comply with the LCCP.
- The security and crime prevention arrangements it has in place.
- How it advertises locally and, on the premises,
- The marketing material within the premises
- The display and provision of information, etc.
The design and layout of the premises is a key consideration as this could have a significant impact on the risk to the licensing objectives. Premises which are located within an area which has a high number of children and young people present throughout the day may identify that standard external design is not appropriate. Control measures to mitigate the risk of attracting children to gambling or gaining access to restricted premises will need to be considered.
Mitigations to be considered may include:
- Whether the premises allows a direct line of sight of gaming machines from the cashier counter
- Whether the premises sufficiently covered by CCTV to enable the identification of offenders
- Whether the premises windows are screened or covered to obscure the interior of the premises
- What age verification policies are in place?
- Provision of magnetic door locks
Operators will be expected to identify the local risk factors surrounding the premises, which will differ from location to location. The Licensing Authority will consider the assessment and assess the risks identified and the measures implemented to mitigate those risks when a completed assessment is provided with a new application or with a variation application.
Some control measures identified in the assessment may be put forward as conditions to be attached to the Licence to address any significant local concerns.
Data and Statistics - Information for Oxford area and its neighborhoods
Provides source of relevant various agencies (Police, Health Service, Child Protection, Oxfordshire County Council, Oxford City Council etc.) data on Health, Population, Education, Economy, Environment, Housing, Depravation Areas, Crime etc. (this list is not exhaustive)
- Oxford City Council (and other agencies) - Statistics pages
- DataShine Census
- Oxfordshire County Council - Oxfordshire Data Hub (and other agencies)
- Oxfordshire County Council - List of Schools
- Community Centres in Oxford
- List of churches and religious groups in Oxford:
- Homeless or rough sleeper shelters and care/support facilities in Oxford
- Hospitals, mental health or gambling care providers:
- Alcohol or drug support facilities: