When you buy a property or piece of land, your solicitor will normally contact us to find out if there are any restrictions on the land. These restrictions are held in our Local Land Charges register which we have a statutory duty to maintain.

As well as maintaining the register, we also have access to source data concerning local planning, building control and environmental health records. This allows us to provide accurate and efficient responses to any property search request.

Submit a search

Visit our Request a search page to submit a search request for Local Land Charges.

Fees and charges

Visit our Local Land Charges fees and copy documents page for details.

Expedited searches

We do not offer an expedited search service, but if you have an urgent search let us know and we will do our best to return it to you as soon as possible.

Search cancellation policy

Our policy is that we will only accept cancellation of a search if we have not started processing it.

Turnaround times

We aim to complete LLC1 and CON29R local authority basic searches within 10 to 15 working days. Searches relating to multiple parcels of land or with optional enquiries included may take longer on occasion.

If you wish to check the progress of an official Oxford City Council Local Authority search, please ask the originator of the search to contact us after 15 working days. 

Contact the Local Land Charges Team

Address: Town Hall
St Aldate's

Telephone: 01865 252808

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