You may be asked to move to another property if:
- there is a fire, flood or other disaster affecting your home
- major repairs are needed where it is unreasonable or unsafe for you to remain in your home
- extensive improvements or refurbishment projects are needed in your home
- we demolish your home for redevelopment
Fire, flood or other disaster
If a disaster makes living in your home difficult or unreasonable, you should contact us immediately.
We will inspect your home to assess the extent of the problem and determine whether a move is appropriate.
After taking account of your household details and any special requirements, such as adaptations for disability, we will seek to find you suitable alternative accommodation whilst your house is being repaired.
You may be asked to stay in temporary accommodation provided by us, or in a property from within our housing stock. Alternatively, it may be more convenient for you to stay with family or friends.
We will provide advice and assistance on storing, moving or disposing of furniture, claiming from your insurance policy, the timetable of repairs to be carried out and an expected moving back date. Low cost contents insurance is available for all our tenants. Visit our Tenants Insurance page for more details.
Major Repairs
Major repairs could include such things as subsidence and under-pinning works, chemical damp proof course work, staircase renewal, extensive structural repairs and asbestos removal.
In most cases you will have to move out of your home taking your furniture and belongings with you. If these need storing we will arrange this for you with an approved removal and storage company. We will pay for the removal and storage of furniture and carpets.
We will also:
- arrange disconnection and reconnection of gas and electric cookers
- arrange disconnection and reconnection of your washing machine
- arrange disconnection and reconnection of your telephone and/or satellite dishes
- pay reasonable expenses incurred for redirection of mail
We will seek to find you suitable alternative accommodation whilst your home is being repaired.
You may be asked to stay in temporary accommodation provided by us, but where possible you will be offered alternative accommodation within our housing stock on a temporary basis.
Alternatively, it maybe more convenient for you to stay with family and friends.
For temporary moves to and from your home reasonable expenses will be paid but statutory home loss compensation is not payable.
Major improvement or refurbishment work
This work will be known about in advance, and as a tenant you will be involved in the consultation process.
If improvement or refurbishment of your home is extensive, you may be moved into temporary accommodation or an alternative Council owned property for your own safety. Alternatively, it may be more convenient for you to stay with family and friends.
You will be entitled to the same assistance as detailed in the major repairs section.
Reasonable expenses will be paid for temporary moves to and from your home, but statutory home loss compensation is not payable.
Development projects
Occasionally properties need to be demolished to make way for new homes. This will be known about in advance and tenants will be consulted. In such cases, you will usually be re-housed permanently. In such situations we will help you find a suitable alternative home. You will also be eligible for the statutory home loss payment in addition to reasonable relocation expenses.
Rent payments
In cases where we ask you to move to another property temporarily whilst work is carried out on your home, you will only be liable for rental payments on one property.
In the majority of cases, we will charge you the lowest rent - for example, if the property to which you are asked to move has a higher rent than your permanent home, you will only be charged your original rent.
Home loss payment (permanent moves only)
Home loss is a statutory payment for those who are required to permanently leave their home.
The fixed sum payable is £3,400 in addition to the disconnection and reconnection of washing machines, cookers and telephone and/or satellite dishes and any reasonable relocation expenses.
The sum is designed to go towards certain costs i.e. carpets, curtains.
To qualify for this payments you must have been the secure tenant for the last 12 months and may not return to the property once you have moved out.