It is your responsibility to keep your Council Tax details up to date. Please inform us when:

  • you move into the Oxford city area
  • you move out of the Oxford city area
  • you move within the Oxford city area
  • the number of adults living in your home changes

Moving to Oxford

Please let us know if you're moving into Oxford using this form:

Tell us about moving in

Moving out of Oxford

Please let us know if you're moving out of Oxford using this form:

Tell us about moving out

Moving within Oxford

Please let us know if you're moving within Oxford using this form:

Tell us about moving out

Change in the number of adults in your house

It is your responsibility to inform us when the number of adults in your home changes.This could be because someone has moved in, or moved out, or because someone has turned 18. 

Request a Council Tax account amendment

If you become the only adult living in your home, you might qualify for a discount. See our Council Tax single person discount page.

If your child has turned 18 you may still be entitled to a discount. See our Council Tax discounts for disregarded adults page.

Contact the Council Tax Team

Please include your council tax account reference number when contacting us by letter or email. If you do not have an account reference number, please include your full address

Address: Oxford City Council
PO Box 10

Telephone: 01865 249811

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