Your lease specifically provides that underletting may be possible with landlord’s consent which cannot be unreasonably withheld.

This considers certain circumstances where it is not possible for a sale to take place to avoid leaseholders being trapped with homes that they cannot use and cannot sell.

The clause makes it clear that if any requested underletting would not be in line with the guidance of the grant funding conditions, this would be a reasonable reason for the landlord to withhold consent.

Steps to take before subletting

We recommend you:

  • obtain permission from your bank or building society if required by your mortgage agreement
  • notify the Home Ownership Officer at or 01865 249811, and provide a contact address for yourself or your agent for emergencies or issues related to your tenant(s). Not providing a contact address can invalidate the buildings insurance for the leaseholder
  • tell us who is living in your property. For instance, in flats, we only issue parking permits to those confirmed as having your permission. This information should be sent to the Home Ownership Officer at or 01865 249811

Important considerations

  • your lease conditions remain in effect. If your tenant violates the lease, action will be taken against you, not the tenant
  • you are still responsible for ground rent and service charges. Non-payment will lead to actions against you, not your tenant
  • you are responsible for your tenant's conduct. Ensure your tenancy agreement includes the same rules and regulations applicable to you as a leaseholder

Additional advice for landlords

As a landlord, you must comply with statutory obligations, including gas and electrical safety checks. More information is available on our Landlords and Agents pages.

Property licensing requirements

All privately rented properties in Oxford City Council's jurisdiction require a licence. Learn more about this on our Selective Licensing pages.

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