Published: Thursday, 14 December 2023

Group photo of the Home Improvement Agency

Oxford City Council’s Home Improvement Agency (HIA) has won three awards at the National Healthy Housing Awards 2023.

The awards celebrate individuals and services supporting people across the country to live comfortably in their own homes. 

Oxford HIA were outright winners of the DFG Home Adaptation Service of the Year award, which recognises excellent practice in delivering adaptations and disabled facilities grants (DFGs). 

The judging panel agreed that the HIA delivered an exceptional DFG adaptations service bettering the lives of many and commented: “Strategically, the team has worked hard to identify emerging needs of the Better Care Fund including innovative hospital discharge solutions, winter planning and reducing the risk of falls.” 

The HIA received commendations of excellence in two other categories. 

A commendation in the Sustainability in Home Adaptations category recognised HIA’s excellent practice in integrating a response to climate change in the delivery of disability adaptations in the home.  

Julie Thomas was also commended in the Housing Occupational Therapist of the Year category. With more than 30 years' experience as a housing occupational therapist, judges praised Julie’s “ability to navigate complex cases to ensure timely delivery of adaptations.” 

The National Healthy Housing Awards were organised by Foundations, a national body overseeing a network of nearly 200 home improvement agencies and handyperson providers. 

The awards ceremony took place on 5 December at the National Football Museum in Manchester.


“Our Home Improvement Agency carries out invaluable work in helping people to live independently, safely and comfortably in their own homes. They are worthy winners of the DFG Home Adaptation Service of the Year award and I was really pleased they also picked up commendations for Sustainability of Home Adaptations and Housing Occupational Therapist of the Year.” 

Councillor Linda Smith, Cabinet Member for Housing

"We are really excited and proud to win the DFG Home Adaptation Service of the Year award and also to have received commendations for Sustainability of Home Adaptations and Housing Occupational Therapist of the Year. To have our team’s hard work recognised is really special." 

Becky Walker, Manager of the Oxford Home Improvement Agency

Advice and support from the Home Improvement Agency 

Factors like old age, disability, a health condition or fuel poverty can put people in poor housing conditions at risk. Support from the HIA can help them live safely and independently in their own homes. 

The HIA can help with adaptions to a home and general household repairs, minor electrical and plumbing works, energy efficiency measures and home safety and security.  

Grants or loans may be available to undertake any necessary work. 

To discuss the support the HIA may be able to offer call 01865 252788 or visit the Home Improvement Agency webpages

Oxford HIA is part funded by Oxfordshire County Council and the NHS Better Care Fund.

Members of the Oxford Home Improvement Agency with one of their awards.

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