Published: Thursday, 9 February 2023

Oxford City Council is putting out a call for stories that celebrate the diversity of Oxford, to feature as part of an interactive trail round the city centre.

Building on the success of the Christmas trail, the council is putting together another adventure for families to follow their phones and find the stories of Oxford’s communities past and present.

Kids, big and small, will be able to engage with the story by scanning each QR code, choosing what happens and seeing the characters burst into life in augmented reality. The trail will to guide people through the hidden stories about the places, buildings, and locations that have significance for the people of Oxford.

To build the trail, the council is asking for your stories about living in Oxford, your community, places or events that are part of your Oxford. Oxford is one of the most diverse cities in England, so the trail will reflect the experiences and memories of different communities in the city.

The trail will offer families a fun, free activity to do, brings people to the centre to help support local businesses, and encourages learning and understanding about the diversity of the communities within Oxford. The trail will be run by High Street Safari, which ran Oxford’s Christmas trail in 2022.

“If you’ve got a story about Oxford that means something to you, this is a great chance to share it. Not everyone feels the city centre represents their Oxford experience, this trail is going to bring to life hidden stories of the city and its people. It should be a lot of fun too, I look forward to trying the trail when it launches.”

Councillor Shaista Aziz, Cabinet Member for Inclusive Communities 

Do you have a story or ‘hidden history’ about Oxford you would like to share? Fill out the short form to send it in.

The City Council will shortlist a selection of the stories to be included in the trail, other stories may be published in an online archive. Contributors may be contacted for more information about their story to feature in the trail.

Closing date for submissions 20 February 2023

The trail is expected to start in early spring.

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