Published: Tuesday, 19 December 2023

Oxford City Council and Makespace Oxford are pleased to announce 100 organisations have been housed and 200 jobs created or supported through the ‘Meanwhile in Oxfordshire...’ programme since launch.

‘Meanwhile in Oxfordshire...’ launched in February 2021 and was designed to revitalise high streets following the COVID-19 pandemic. By re-purposing otherwise vacant units into independent shops, cultural venues, and creative spaces, it has brought new life and diversified the business offer in Oxfordshire.

The programme is helping to mitigate the number of vacant units in the county by offering small start-ups and social enterprises affordable and agile spaces to develop their business. It has also encouraged more people to visit town and city centres.

'Meanwhile in Oxfordshire...’ is an example of how effective collaboration can build a more inclusive local economy that works for everyone. It was originally designed by Oxford City Council and is led by Makespace Oxford, working with partners. It is just one of the projects within the £8.4 million- investment secured by OxLEP via the Government’s Getting Building Fund tackling this issue head-on. OxLEP secured around £1.9 million for the 'Meanwhile in Oxfordshire…' project. 

To date, the ‘Meanwhile in Oxfordshire...’ has:

  • brought 35,985 square feet of space back to life 
  • secured 28 leases 
  • reanimated 28 units 
  • housed 100 organisations  
  • created or supported at least 200 jobs

Success Stories

The Covered Market

Oxford's Covered Market has helped to house six ‘Meanwhile in Oxfordshire...’ businesses since launch, many of which have now upscaled and secured longer-term leases in the market.

In February 2021, Y.O.U Underwear opened its first physical shop in the Covered Market as part of the project. Now, the ethical underwear brand is rated as the UK's highest-scoring B-Corp. Through the support offered by Makespace, Y.O.U Underwear has since been able to move into a larger unit within the market, working directly with the council.

Providing a variety of leasing options is a key part of the Leasing Strategy and has helped the market to offer the widest-ever selection of specialist artisan produce, cafés, bars, gifts, experiences, fashion, and lifestyle products.

The Community Works, Frideswide Square

The Community Works, a meanwhile hub space in central Oxford, has housed ten creative and community organisations with permanent space, and dozens more through the hire of the events and exhibitions spaces as part of the programme.

Lula's Ethiopian and Eritrean Cuisine, based in the Community Works and opened in December 2022, is listed in the top five Oxford restaurants on TripAdvisor and won a 2022 Travellers' Choice award.

Oxford Poetry Library also moved into the space when the building launched in December 2022. Since then, they have been able to operate regular opening hours to allow a wide range of people to make use of its resources. The space also allows them to run weekly creative writing workshops and events which, due to the affordable rent, have mostly been free for people to attend, helping to ensure they are inclusive of everyone, regardless of means.

African Caribbean Autism Family Support Group

Founded in 2018, the African Caribbean Autism Family Support Group has been supporting families across Abingdon. Through the 'Meanwhile in Oxfordshire' programme, Taiwo, director of the African Caribbean Autism Family Support Group now has a dedicated space at The Charter Studios. This allows her to do this work alongside her work as a fashion designer and distributor. The Charter Studios offer a safe space for people to come together, connect, expand and learn something new and different. 

Supporting a fairer economy

Oxford City Council is working hard to help make the local economy fairer and work for everyone.

The Council believes that 'Meanwhile in Oxfordshire...’ will encourage a more inclusive and circular economy by:

  • engaging with residents to ensure their needs are met
  • using the fit-out to upgrade the energy efficiency of properties
  • providing the units at an affordable rent
  • giving priority to organisations that pay the Oxford Living Wage
  • giving priority to organisations that will take on work placements, traineeships, or apprenticeships


"We want to make sure that independent local businesses, social enterprises and local people are sharing in our successful local economy and ‘Meanwhile in Oxfordshire...’ is one of the ways we can do this. 

“The programme has not only benefited the businesses and organisations that it has found space for, but it has revitalised high streets and helped to encourage more visitors at a time when it was really needed. 

“We are proud to have reached this amazing milestone, which not only supports our local economy but also enriches our communities. I look forward to its continued success." 

Councillor Susan Brown, Leader of Oxford City Council and Cabinet Member for Inclusive Economy and Partnerships

“We are delighted to have reached this key milestone with the ‘Meanwhile in Oxfordshire…’ programme. 

"This is the culmination of an enormous and ongoing collaborative effort. At Makespace we love working with small, purpose-driven, independent organisations to unlock spaces and create strong support networks. Together we are breaking down barriers, building more diverse and vibrant urban centres and a stronger local economy.” 

Andy Edwards, Co-founder and Director of Makespace Oxford

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