Published: Friday, 31 March 2023

Oxford City Council is proud to announce an exciting new collaboration, as the 2023 Folk Weekend: Oxford festival returns to the historic Covered Market.

This is the second year the Covered Market has welcomed the festival, having previously hosted the ‘Market Stage’ in the Market’s central square area in 2022.

Last year’s partnership was such a success, the Covered Market has now expanded its role and will sit at the very heart of the folk festival, with festival organisers coordinating events from a unit in the Market, near to the Market Stage by Gulp Fiction and Wicked Chocolate.

The ‘Market Stage’ is also returning, with a wealth of local talent set to perform folk music taking inspiration everywhere from Oxfordshire to America, with everything Celtic in between.

"Folk music celebrates the different cultural traditions of working people throughout the world. It's great to see such a celebration of ordinary lives performed by local musicians in a diverse city like ours.

“We are a very proud partner of the Folk Weekend: Oxford festival and have been inspired by last year’s successful pilot to expand our role, supporting local talent as well as our local Market traders.”

Councillor Shaista Aziz, Cabinet Member for Inclusive Communities and Culture at Oxford City Council

“We are so excited to be working with the Covered Market so closely for Folk Weekend this year.

“During the festival in 2022, the local act stage was one of the places to be over the three days and we know that having the hub there this year is going to be a great asset to the festival."

Rachel Williams, Creative Producer of Folk Weekend: Oxford

The hub will be open for the standard market opening times. For full details of the Market Stage, please read the festival programme.

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