Published: Monday, 8 January 2024

Oxford City Council is set to consider the appointment of Serco Leisure as Oxford’s new leisure provider at its meeting of Cabinet on 24 January.

Serco Leisure is one of the UK’s leading leisure centre operators and runs centres in Bolton, Hampshire, Birmingham and Kent.

The City Council invited companies to bid for a 10-year contract to run Barton Leisure Centre, Ferry Leisure Centre, the Leys Pools & Leisure Centre, Hinksey Outdoor Pool and Oxford Ice Rink from April.

The officer recommendation to Cabinet to appoint Serco Leisure follows a comprehensive and thorough procurement process, involving a number of external bidders alongside an in-house comparator. A detailed assessment system was used which applied a 60% weighting to the quality of service offered and 40% for costs and business plan deliverability. The contract will bring positive financial benefits to the City Council, aligning with its budgetary needs.

Investments and improvements

As part of their bid, Serco Leisure proposes significant investments into Oxford’s leisure centres, including:

  • Installing new gym equipment in Barton, Ferry and the Leys leisure centres
  • Creating a new spin studio at Barton Leisure Centre
  • Creating a new group exercise studio at Ferry Leisure Centre
  • Converting half the sports hall at the Leys Pools & Leisure Centre for soft play and TAGactive.

Appointing Serco Leisure would secure a number of public benefits, including concessions for low-income families, and free swimming for all children and young people aged 16 and under who live in Oxford. Serco Leisure’s proposals also commit to increasing both the number of users of the Council’s leisure centres and customer satisfaction among those that do.

The contract would see the Council working with Serco Leisure alongside the Oxfordshire health system to ensure the leisure facilities continue to support public health and reduce pressure on the NHS.

The City Council has invested £14m over recent years to decarbonise the leisure facilities, which contribute about 40% of the City Council’s carbon footprint. The Council would work with the new provider to work towards the full decarbonisation of the leisure facilities.

Fusion Lifestyle will continue to operate Oxford's leisure centres until 29 March 2024, when its contract comes to an end.

Existing Fusion Lifestyle staff would be transferred across to the new provider in line with TUPE guidance.


“This is a once-in-15-years opportunity to renew and revitalise Oxford’s enviable provision of leisure facilities for our residents. I am pleased to recommend Serco Leisure as the preferred bidder to Cabinet. They have a strong reputation for delivering high quality leisure services right across the country and I believe that the proposals demonstrate that they would be an excellent partner to transform and rebuild Oxford’s leisure services. Especially at a time when many councils are having to close centres, we are very proud to be maintaining and improving our full suite of leisure facilities in Oxford.

“I’m particularly pleased that in their bid Serco Leisure propose to continue to offer discounts for low-income families and free swimming for young people, while also investing to upgrade and bring new activities to Oxford’s our leisure centres.

“The City Council will be seeking to ensure that, as the services transfer from Fusion Lifestyle, there is a smooth transition for residents and existing members of staff.”

Councillor Chewe Munkonge, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Leisure and Parks

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