Published: Friday, 16 February 2024

Oxford City Council’s direct services team, ODS, last week again deployed a flood barrier at Bullstake Close, off Botley Road, as a precautionary measure, given the further recent rainfall.

In response to the January extreme weather event, Storm Henk, Oxford City Council quickly put in place preventative measures to mitigate the impact of flooding on our community.  

As a result of the actions taken in January, only 17 properties experienced flooding. 

The Council and ODS closely monitored the situation and worked closely with the Environment Agency which managed the water flow through the river network, and Oxfordshire County Council’s Fire & Rescue and Highways teams. ODS deployed temporary flood protection measures at Bulstake Close, Osney Island and Vicarage Lane. 

Now, to help those affected in the January floods, Government is offering compensation through various grant schemes and the Council is working to ensure that residents and businesses receive the support they need during this challenging time. 

Community Recovery Grant for Residents 

Those whose primary residences were impacted by Storm Henk may be eligible for a £500 Community Recovery Grant. To qualify, properties must have experienced internal flooding or been uninhabitable for more than 48 hours. Qualifying residents are encouraged to submit an application by emailing the Council at or by calling our Contact Centre at 01865 249811. The application deadline is 5pm on 1 March. 

Council Tax Discount 

Additionally, affected residents may qualify for a 100% Council Tax discount for a minimum of three months if their property meets the criteria for the Community Recovery Grant. For those unable to return home, the discount may be extended.  

Property Flood Resilience Repair Grant Scheme 

Oxfordshire County Council oversees the Property Flood Resilience Repair Grant Scheme, aimed at helping residents with property repairs. More information is available on the Oxfordshire Flood Toolkit website

Business Recovery Grant for SMEs 

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) impacted by Storm Henk may be eligible for a £2,500 Business Recovery Grant. Eligible businesses can apply by emailing or by calling our Contact Centre at 01864 249811. The application deadline is 5pm on 8 March. 


“The extensive flood prevention efforts made by the Council and ODS last month undoubtedly ensured that many properties in the city were protected. Sadly, some properties did succumb to flooding and we are now working with those residents and businesses affected to ensure they are able to claim any financial help that they are entitled to. We are committed to providing support and assistance wherever we can”.

Councillor Nigel Chapman, Cabinet Member for Citizen Focused Services and Council Companies 

There is more information available on the Council’s Financial Support for Those Affected by Flooding webpage. Anyone who believes they may qualify for support should contact the Council for an application form by emailing or phoning the Contact Centre on 01864 249811.

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