Published: Wednesday, 13 March 2024

Following the successful rescue of 14 animals last year, Oxford City Council has reclaimed a flat so it can be let to a new tenant. 

The previous tenant vacated the flat earlier this year following an anti-social behaviour investigation led by the City Council’s ASBIT Team.   

The Council’s housing team will now arrange for a deep clean before the property can be returned to the housing list for new tenants. 

Last year, it was found that the previous tenant had been using the flat to keep unsupervised animals including 12 dogs, a chameleon and a rabbit. 

The rescued animals were taken into the care of the RSPCA for health checks and rehoming. Six of the animals have now found new homes.  

The Council was made aware of the situation following complaints from neighbours and the RSPCA about the smell and concerns for the animals’ wellbeing. The housing and anti-social behaviour team discovered the animals living in squalor, with limited access to food and no opportunity for exercise or outdoor access. 

After securing a warrant from magistrates, the Council coordinated a comprehensive rescue operation in collaboration with Thames Valley Police, the RSPCA, ODS, the Tenancy Management Service, and the council's dog warden.  

A criminal investigation into the animals' mistreatment has begun, and the Council is supporting police efforts. 


"This operation not only saved numerous animals from severe neglect but has underscored our commitment to community safety.   

“We will continue to work diligently to ensure such situations are addressed promptly and that all community members, including animals, are treated with the care and respect they deserve." 

Councillor Mark Lygo, Cabinet Member for Inclusive and Safer Communities 

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