Published: Friday, 31 May 2024

Next month (June), the Council will be carrying out the first of two roadside grass verge cuts across the city, as part of its work to support biodiversity.   

Oxford’s grass verge cutting schedule was updated earlier this year in response to feedback from residents and budget decisions announced by both the City and County councils.  

The current approach sees roadside grass verges in Oxford being cut twice a year to prevent encroachment on footpaths or cycleways.  

ODS, which carries out the work on behalf of the Council, will be mowing roadside grass verges throughout the whole of June – starting on 5 June – subject to weather conditions. A second cut is then expected to take place in September.  

The Council cannot provide specific dates for when certain locations and roads will be cut. However, all work on the first cut is expected to be completed by the end of July. 

Helping to support biodiversity 

Grass verges that are cut regularly might be perceived as neater, however they do not create the best environment for plants and wildlife to thrive.  

Wildlife needs a variety of different habitats and food sources, including a range of grasses, wildflowers and other vegetation, maintained at different lengths throughout the year. 

The exception to cutting roadside grass verges twice a year will be eight Oxford roads that formed part of the Council’s original ’no mow’ pilot where the evidence showed that there was increased biodiversity from a single cut. In these areas the verges will be mowed once a year in September and the cuttings collected. 

The Council will also continue to cut grass verges near junctions and pathways all year to ensure safety and visibility for road users and pedestrians. Residents can report any concerns about grass verges impacting visibility on FixMyStreet and action will be taken promptly. 

 You can read more about the Council’s approach to grass cutting at  

"We will shortly be starting the first cut of roadside grass verges in Oxford as part of our updated grass cutting schedule for 2024. The team will be carrying out the work over the next few weeks, on top of their regular maintenance of verges near junctions. We will then be carrying out a second cut in September.”  
Councillor Anna Railton, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Zero Carbon Oxford

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