Oxford City Council has agreed its strategy for the next four years.
The Council Strategy 2024-28 outlines the Council’s planned work against its five priorities:
- Good, affordable homes
- Strong, fair economy
- Thriving communities
- Zero carbon Oxford
- A well-run council
The planned work includes building hundreds of new homes, supporting young people into work, tackling health inequality, and improving the quality of the Council’s 8,000 council homes.
The Council will also continue to deliver a range of statutory services, including bin collections, street cleaning, licencing, housing provision and planning.
Oxford City Council, which produces a strategy every four years, worked with local partners, organisations, community groups, businesses and residents to develop the Corporate Strategy 2024-28. A public consultation on the draft strategy was held between January and March 2024.
The strategy, which was approved by the Council’s Cabinet last week (10 July), can be read in full on the Council’s website.
“There are big challenges over the next four years, but also great opportunities for Oxford.
“Oxford is world-leading in education and biotech and our city is attracting significant global investment. We will make sure this investment supports jobs, local businesses, housing and communities across Oxford.
“After 14 years of cuts to local authority funding and short-termism, we are also looking forward to working with a national government that shares our aspirations for the people of Oxford. We will build a strong relationship with the new national government to work in partnership to create the opportunities and housing we need.
“Oxford is an unequal city currently, with pockets of severe deprivation. Over the next four years, we will invest in Oxford to build more new genuinely affordable homes, tackle homelessness, and improve health and wellbeing to help tackle these inequalities.
“We are also taking action to tackle the effects of climate change and to make progress on reducing our city’s carbon footprint that will deliver better buildings, better public spaces and better infrastructure.
“We have set out our ambitions for the next four years, and we will work together with partners at all levels – from large institutions to small community groups – to make Oxford a thriving, fairer city to live, work and visit.”
Councillor Susan Brown, Leader of Oxford City Council