Oxford City Council has been awarded Local Authority of Sanctuary accreditation to help those fleeing global conflicts and persecution.
The accreditation aims to help refugees and asylum seekers adjust to life in Oxford, as well as providing them with the language and skills needed to help the city’s economy.
The Council has created a three-year action plan to support the accreditation, which will be discussed at a Cabinet meeting later this month (22 January).
Due to the Council’s financial situation, the action plan aims to empower local community and voluntary groups to provide much of the support. The Cabinet paper does not request any new funding to support the Local Authority of Sanctuary status or the three-year action plan.
Since 2015, the Council has resettled 58 refugee families that have arrived through government backed resettlement schemes.
Benefits for refugees and asylum seekers
As part of the Local Authority of Sanctuary action plan, the Council aims to:
- Support Oxfordshire County Council and other partners to increase English language lessons for refugees and asylum seekers in Oxford
- Work with people seeking sanctuary, alongside local employers and voluntary and community organisations, to improve skills and access to the job market
- Support community and voluntary groups to provide arts, cultural and community activities to help refugees and asylum seekers adjust to life in Oxford
- Develop online resources to help refugees and asylum seekers adjust to life in Oxford, including translating the Council’s website into more languages
- Work alongside Oxford Food Hub and other local charities to raise awareness of existing free or low-cost food options for Oxford residents
- Support local institutions to become registered places of sanctuary, including local libraries, GP surgeries and faith organisations
The work will be funded through existing grants, which the government has ringfenced to support refugees and asylum seekers.
Benefits for existing residents
The Local Authority of Sanctuary action plan aims to help refugees and asylum seekers contribute to the local economy and cultural life in Oxford.
Refugees and asylum seekers often bring skills, talents and entrepreneurship that can help fill current labour shortages or diversify local industries.
The action plan also aims to encourage more Oxford residents to volunteer locally, which aims to help create a sense of community and solidarity amongst all Oxford residents.
Local Authority of Sanctuary
Oxford City Council passed a motion to become a Local Authority of Sanctuary in 2022. Since then, the Council has carried out a wide range of to work help those fleeing global conflicts and persecution, including:
- Since 2020, funded Asylum Welcome’s School Advocacy Programme, which has helped 105 children access and better understand the UK’s school system
- In 2022, collaborated with Oxfordshire’s other councils to create the Oxfordshire Migration Partnership to coordinate the Homes for Ukraine scheme
- In 2022, trained 10 people seeking sanctuary in Oxford as Community Health Champions to improve healthcare access for refugees and asylum seekers
- In 2023, commissioned a Refugee Employment Support Programme, which has helped 24 refugees into work
- In 2024, helped 70 residents access English language tuition
The Council commissioned Asylum Welcome to understand the local need in 2023. The charity interviewed more than 100 individuals and stakeholders, including residents, organisations, schools and faith groups, as well as refugees and asylum seekers.
If the Local Authority of Sanctuary action plan is approved by the Cabinet on 22 January, it will be implemented immediately. Progress will then be reported annually.
Many councils across the UK have become Local Authorities of Sanctuary, including Birmingham City Council, Bristol City Council, Liverpool City Council and Manchester City Council. Oxford City Council is the first district council to achieve the accreditation.
The Local Authority of Sanctuary accreditation is awarded by City of Sanctuary UK, a national charity.
Oxford City Council has committed to resettling eight refugee families per year for the next five years.
For more information and to see the draft framework documents, see point 8 on Tuesday 14 January's Scrutiny meeting.
I am delighted that Oxford City Council has achieved the Local Authority of Sanctuary status. Following the accreditation, we have now created a three-year action plan, which aims to help refugees and asylum seekers adjust to life in Oxford, and support the city’s economy and wider community cohesion. Our aim is to build a city where everyone who calls Oxford home has the opportunity to thrive and contribute to community life, which is good for all residents, however long they have lived here.”
Councillor Linda Smith, Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities