Published: Friday, 10 January 2025

Oxford City Council has written to the Government about its proposal for devolution and local government reorganisation in Oxfordshire.

The letter has been sent because Oxford City Council does not support Oxfordshire County Council’s request to cancel county council elections and to move forward with local government reorganisation ahead of agreeing the geography within which it would be operating as a Mayoral Combined Authority.

Councillor Susan Brown, Leader of Oxford City Council, wrote to Jim McMahon MP, Minister of State for Local Government and English Devolution, earlier today (10 January).

Dear Minister, 

I am writing in response to the letter received on 16 December to set out Oxford City Council’s position on the Government’s proposals for devolution and local government reorganisation, set out in the White Paper, and additionally, to a letter submitted by Oxfordshire County Council. 


Oxford City Council welcomes the Government’s proposal to devolve powers and funding to the newly proposed Mayoral Strategic Authorities to enable councils to coordinate delivery of housing, planning, transport and economic growth at the regional level. This puts decision making closer to local residents and businesses, and will improve our ability to shape our local city’s economy to benefit everyone. 

We have already been engaged in devolution discussions within Oxfordshire and with neighbouring authorities across the Thames Valley. We are committed to progress at pace towards the creation of a Mayoral Strategic Authority. Oxford City Council is hosting a meeting on Friday 31 January to which the Leaders of Oxfordshire, the Berkshire unitaries and Buckinghamshire and Swindon councils have been invited to continue the discussions on an appropriate MSA geography. 

This is a key strategic area with huge economic potential. The fast-growing Thames Valley corridor has shared ambitions, economic strengths and rapidly expanding urban economies. 


It is essential that we land our MSA geography first as this will inform the optimum options for unitarisation. While we have had discussions on the MSA, as yet, there have not been any discussions within Oxfordshire or with other partner councils regarding options for Local Government Reorganisation. We are keen to participate in such discussions in the interests of the residents that we represent in Oxford. 

The public has a right to expect that proper consideration is given to this and that any reorganisation taking place is done in a way that enhances local services and local democracy. It should be designed in close collaboration with all of Oxfordshire’s authorities together with MSA partners once established. 

We are fully committed to working with the other Oxfordshire councils – and with existing neighbouring unitary authorities where appropriate – to identify the best approach to unitarisation in Oxfordshire and the wider Thames Valley. We will explore where there is commonality with our core aims around sustainable and inclusive growth, place shaping, housing delivery and transport and look for ways in which we can save money for the public purse through shared services. 

Oxford City Council has already been working with partner authorities, the city’s universities, Homes England and others to create delivery plans that accelerate sustainable growth including high-quality jobs, environmental investment, and much-needed affordable housing, in the next two to three years. We would want to engage with these wider partners to gain insights to help shape the thinking about future Strategic Authorities and local government structures. 

One option we will want to consider is the creation of a city-based unitary on expanded geography that will enable us to meet our unique potential, while enabling viable neighbouring unitaries to our north and south. We have ambitions for growth that go significantly beyond that in any existing or draft local plan in Oxfordshire, and which could give Oxford as a place the ability to meet all its own future housing need. Oxford is one of the country’s fastest growing cities in terms of our economy and was recently recognised as the best city in the country to start a business.

County Council Elections

Given the need to determine a Thames Valley MSA geography prior to agreeing optimum structures for unitarisation to allow consideration of options that could involve cross county-boundary mergers or boundary changes, we believe it would be premature to seek cancellation of Oxfordshire County Council elections in May 2025 as fresh elections to the new unitary structures would be some way off.

Cancellation of County elections with no realistic prospect of a successor authority being in place quickly risks creating a democratic deficit. People across Oxfordshire have a right to vote on the current administration’s record.

Yours sincerely,

Cllr Susan Brown

Leader Oxford City Council

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