Published: Thursday, 20 February 2025

Oxford City Council is asking people to suggest sites which could be suitable for future development to inform the creation of its next Local Plan.

The Local Plan 2042 will guide all planning decisions in Oxford for the next 17 years.  

The Council wants to hear from landowners, developers and others who know of sites with a potential range of future uses. Sites must be wholly or partly within Oxford’s administrative boundaries. 

The Council will then fully assess sites capable of delivering 10 or more homes, 500m2 of employment floorspace or are bigger than 0.25 hectares. 

Submission of a site for consideration does not mean it will be included in the Local Plan or get planning permission in future. 

The Council will also consider sites included in the preparation of earlier Local Plans. However, it encourages people to provide updates if any details have changed. 

For consideration, people should submit details of sites by 17 March 2025. This can be done using the Council’s online webform.  

Anyone with questions before submission can contact the Planning Policy team at or call 01865 252847. 


“Oxford is growing and it needs to do so in a way that works for everyone. We are actively encouraging landowners to put forward sites for development, particularly for housing. This is an important step in shaping our future development and we want to hear from people about land that could potentially help meet our city's needs.” 

Councillor Louise Upton, Cabinet Member for Planning

Frequently asked questions about the call for sites 

Next steps for the Local Plan 2042 

The Council is set to carry out two rounds of public consultation later this year as it completes preparation of the Local Plan 2042:  

  • a preferred options (Regulation 18) consultation on the initial draft plan, expected in June and July  

  • a final (Regulation 19) consultation, expected in November and December  

The Council aims to submit the plan to the Planning Inspectorate for examination in April 2026.  

Once the plan is submitted the timescale for approval is in the hands of planning inspectors. However, public hearings could be held late next year and the Local Plan 2042 adopted in the spring of 2027. 

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