A new resource has launched this week for homeowners and landlords who want to learn how to improve the energy efficiency of their home.
The ‘A House Like Mine’ project, is a new partnership between Oxford City Council, Low Carbon Hub, and Cosy Homes Oxfordshire that aims to showcase how home-owners and landlords can improve the energy efficiency of their home - helping to make it warmer, healthier, cheaper to run and more environmentally friendly - whatever their budget.
The project features 12 real-life homes from across Oxford which received a Whole House Plan detailing the steps they could take to improve the energy performance of their homes. The case studies includes how homeowners could prioritise work on their homes and the potential impact on their energy performance rating.
About the case studies
The 12 case studies feature eight homeowners and four landlords across a range of property types – from Victorian terraces to modern flats – which aim to show the different ways that people could improve the energy efficiency of their homes:
The guide covers a range of different property types, including:
- Pre-1900s mid-terrace, Kingston Road, Oxford
- 1950s semi-detached, Marston, Oxford
- 1900s detached, Botley, Oxford
- 1950s steel-framed ‘Howard House’, Rose Hill, Oxford
- 1920s semi-detached, Rose Hill, Oxford
- 1930s semi-detached, Rose Hill, Oxford
- 1940s semi-detached, St. Clements, Oxford
- Pre-1900s mid-terrace, Osney Island, Oxford
- Pre-1900s end-terrace, Jericho, Oxford
- 1950s end-terrace, Blackbird Leys, Oxford
- 1900s mid-terrace, Littlemore, Oxford
- 1990s top-floor flat, Temple Cowley, Oxford
How to use the resources
The case studies take a ‘fabric first’ approach, prioritising improvements to the house to reduce heat loss. This means starting with upgrades like insulation – whether that’s cavity wall insulation, loft insulation, or internal wall insulation – to create a solid foundation for further improvements.
The project emphasises that homeowners are not required to install all the measures at once. Instead, they are encouraged to take a step-by-step approach – starting with smaller measures or room by room.
A House Like Mine was funded by the MCS Foundation, Oxford City Council, Oxfordshire County Council, and Lucy Group, and delivered with support from the Zero Carbon Oxford Partnership (ZCOP).
Housing emissions in Oxford
The Zero Carbon Oxford Roadmap found around 60% of Oxford’s carbon emissions come from buildings, with residential buildings accounting for 29% of total emissions.
Oxford has the goal of becoming a net zero carbon city by 2040 and decarbonising buildings is key to this.
“A House Like Mine aims to help everyone in Oxford get access to the information and support they need to live in a healthy and energy efficient home. This project highlights how many ways there are to make your home more energy efficient, whatever your house type, personal circumstance, or budget.”
Councillor Anna Railton, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Zero Carbon Oxford, Oxford City Council
“A House Like Mine is centred around encouraging people to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. By creating case studies with real people and real houses, we are showing what energy improvements could be possible in a range of house types across Oxford. We want people to see these stories, recognise 'a house like mine' and be inspired to act.”
Barbara Hammond, CEO, Low Carbon Hub